
More questions on PCT


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Hi Dylan, new subscriber here from Canada I am an Amatuer boxer on my very first week of using steroids. (shhh lol) im on Test-E I only ever plan on doing this once and want to make sure my PCT is right im not working just training so i dont have much money. So im wondering if its neccassry for me to take; N2guard, ostarine Clomid nolvadex,
gw 50156 and aromasin. Its important that me doing this test-e doesent hinder my boxing and i just think it seems a bit crazy to be swallowing 12 pills per day (assuming the other cycles are like clomide nolvadex 2 per day) i appreciate your time
Hi Dylan, new subscriber here from Canada I am an Amatuer boxer on my very first week of using steroids. (shhh lol) im on Test-E I only ever plan on doing this once and want to make sure my PCT is right im not working just training so i dont have much money. So im wondering if its neccassry for me to take; N2guard, ostarine Clomid nolvadex,
gw 50156 and aromasin. Its important that me doing this test-e doesent hinder my boxing and i just think it seems a bit crazy to be swallowing 12 pills per day (assuming the other cycles are like clomide nolvadex 2 per day) i appreciate your time

ok at least you are on a test only cycle plus gw,so good for you bro. Now how old are you,how much do you weigh,how tall,what bodyfat, and how much testE are you using? You do need aromasin and clomid, but we can work that out as soon as you post your stats.
Hi Dylan, new subscriber here from Canada I am an Amatuer boxer on my very first week of using steroids. (shhh lol) im on Test-E I only ever plan on doing this once and want to make sure my PCT is right im not working just training so i dont have much money. So im wondering if its neccassry for me to take; N2guard, ostarine Clomid nolvadex,
gw 50156 and aromasin. Its important that me doing this test-e doesent hinder my boxing and i just think it seems a bit crazy to be swallowing 12 pills per day (assuming the other cycles are like clomide nolvadex 2 per day) i appreciate your time
Yes, other than overpriced N2guard the pct is right. Don't buy n2guard. If you want a good cycle support get cycle assist from CEL instead.

What is your stats buddy? I'm assuming this is your first cycle? What dose of test are you running?

Your pct should look like this, and I highly recommend getting everything from

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GW 20mg per day
Mk2866 25mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hi guys thanks for getting on this thread. Im 20 years old 5'7 149lbs, havent checked my body fat in awhile 13% would be a high estimate. im running 1ml of test-e twice a week. I found 2 of the 6 PCT's on Amazon/Ebay for under 50$ each. Please let me know what i should all buy and where the best deals are at?
you need to stop doing this, you are going to find yourself in big trouble in a few years like no hard ons etc you are in the prime test production in your life and you are throwing your natural body production off and it will stop producing test all together and you will be taking shots for the next 70 years please get a proper pct from and stop doing what you are doing. you can gain weight by training, and eating wait til your 25 to start this bro
@rockmfhudd just doing one cycle at 20 years old will effect my fertility for life? That seems very odd. Can you back this up?
Just one cycle at 20 years old can effect my fertility for life even if i take a proper Post cycle therapy? That seems insane.. Can you back this up? Im only planning on doing one..
Hi guys thanks for getting on this thread. Im 20 years old 5'7 149lbs, havent checked my body fat in awhile 13% would be a high estimate. im running 1ml of test-e twice a week. I found 2 of the 6 PCT's on Amazon/Ebay for under 50$ each. Please let me know what i should all buy and where the best deals are at?

The number of mls you use does not mean anything.How many mgs per week are you using? At 20 years old your natural test is zooming and you really do not need any extra. With diet and good workouts you should make great gains. I worked out from 14 to 25 b4 I ever did a cycle. When you inject test it shuts your own beautifull completely natural test down. You are replacing the best test there is with store bought test. This means that after you are done with your cycle you will have to try to get your natural test back asap ,so you have to do pct. Why on earth would you want to do this? I wish I had a rig that could suck your test out right into my body and in exchange I will give you all the store bought test that you want.
Do you understand what you are doing? No you won't die or be sick, but why do risky things for no reason. How about sarms until you hit your late 20's.
Now unless you plan on being MrO then be sensible.
Very confused why how much mlgs i said didnt make sense.. I was gonna be doing 1cc twice a week. I only injected myself once so far, tonight was supposed to be number 2 but now your making me really second guess it. The way Dylan explained it in his video made it seem that with the proper pct it can leave nothing to chance. And i could get my natural test working again. Im 21 in july but he never talked about ages i guess. So you guys are saying i shouldnt do my second injection tonight... Just quit the whole idea. Do i need to take any pct for having done 1 injection?
the test comes in different ml/mgs and asking that question further solidifies that you should not be doing this. not to break your balls or spirits bro but like we have said you are producing more test naturally that you have in that vial sitting on your counter. nothing is better than that. Dylan was talking about people that are older to get their natural test levels back and normal to most of us is in the 200s the reason we do it. your natty test levels are probably closer to 700-1000 right now. I wouldn't say you need a pct just yet if you stop now. like I said stay here learn a lot of great info from guys that were your age when they started and wished they wouldn't have. now they have to inject for life
I box like mike Tysons style, getting inside going for the KO. I really wanted to hit 165 then shred down to 145 with the same strength. I just wanted to do one cycle do a proper pct and keep my new super human strength. I didnt think it would be harmful since my balls have already dropped. But you guys made me feel stupid for trying it at 20, i guess im 5 years too early.. Was really excited to do one cycle and hit 165 with ease. But now i feel like i made a bad call. Guess im gonna try to sell this vial and go back to the slow moving protein shake and creatine natural ways i have been doing. I appreciate you guys caring about my health but the kid in me still half regrets reading all these wise words of expérience haha thanks -Matt
you aren't stupid man we have all made mistakes even being older, but what we are doing is trying to look out for your health and safety. eat eat eat and lift and train you will get there brother
Very confused why how much mlgs i said didnt make sense.. I was gonna be doing 1cc twice a week. I only injected myself once so far, tonight was supposed to be number 2 but now your making me really second guess it. The way Dylan explained it in his video made it seem that with the proper pct it can leave nothing to chance. And i could get my natural test working again. Im 21 in july but he never talked about ages i guess. So you guys are saying i shouldnt do my second injection tonight... Just quit the whole idea. Do i need to take any pct for having done 1 injection?

OK... so I took 2 mls of testE that is 400mg/ml. Rock took 2mls of 200mg/ml testE, joe took 2mls of 250mg/ml testE. We all took 2 mls ...right??? But we sure as hell did not take the same amount of test....follow?

My point is why do you want to shut down your test and then have to use pct to get it going again,when you already have a lot of test? Do you go outside and turn the electricity off to your house, and then use flashlights? Well then my question is why?
Oh i understand now its a test-e 250mg. I may be producing more then enough test because of my age but I wanted superhuman strength and endurance. It just seems most pro athletes coming up these days juice up in high school. From what I researched it only stays in your system 3 months for testing so that would make sense. I just wanted the edge up on my competition as it seems the nattys are at the disadvantage these days.
I box like mike Tysons style, getting inside going for the KO. I really wanted to hit 165 then shred down to 145 with the same strength. I just wanted to do one cycle do a proper pct and keep my new super human strength. I didnt think it would be harmful since my balls have already dropped. But you guys made me feel stupid for trying it at 20, i guess im 5 years too early.. Was really excited to do one cycle and hit 165 with ease. But now i feel like i made a bad call. Guess im gonna try to sell this vial and go back to the slow moving protein shake and creatine natural ways i have been doing. I appreciate you guys caring about my health but the kid in me still half regrets reading all these wise words of expérience haha thanks -Matt

Bro-I know how you feel.I tried to make the olympic boxing team when I was 18. Luckily my dad knew a lot about training and gear and he would not allow it.
I had to go protein shakes,and creatine. Today you have sarms which will seriously boost you up. There is one that greatly enhances your skip rope times,one that helps you hit harder and be stronger with no side effects.
Of course your balls have dropped and that means they are making test...don't shut that test down. Also if you were to do the test cycle you wanted to do you would not have achieved what you thought. There is no way you could shred from 165 to 145 and not loose your strength and gains. It is possible to do but you need lots and lots of time.
You nor anyone else will ever be 145 but hit like a 165.It just don't happen..think about it...if you are 145 then you could fight the 165 lb champ and beat him.Not likely.

Stay safe. You are way to young to toss your health away with gear. If you are interested in sarms then let us know. You could be set up with a stack that will help you lots
Even if you add another compound you still don't PCT if you're on TRT. You just drop down to TRT the dosing schedule after you blasted for 12 weeks
Ive actually never heard of sarms before. Id love to know more about it! Seems like something I need to get my hands on. And to talk about what I said earlier, i was 135 in January im 149 now naturally. My plan was to get up to 165 by july then shred down to 145 by january obviously not keeping all strength but more then I have right now.
Ive been doing prayer and meditation on this and im deciding to follow through with one cycle of test-e 250ml one cc twice a week. To re-cap im 20. 5'7 149lbs 13%body fat. I know it may not be the best call but im 6 days in and can already see my chest is bigger. I appreciate all your care and concerns. Please help me develop a perfect pct so i can get errections and be fertile and producing natural test after my cycle. All your experience has educated me enough to know im never going to buy this stuff again. But please help me know what to order. Again sorry for making this un wise call.
Ive been doing prayer and meditation on this and im deciding to follow through with one cycle of test-e 250ml one cc twice a week. To re-cap im 20. 5'7 149lbs 13%body fat. I know it may not be the best call but im 6 days in and can already see my chest is bigger. I appreciate all your care and concerns. Please help me develop a perfect pct so i can get errections and be fertile and producing natural test after my cycle. All your experience has educated me enough to know im never going to buy this stuff again. But please help me know what to order. Again sorry for making this un wise call.

okay bro, it appears your intent on learning things the hard way... your going to find that noone is going to advise nor help anyone under 21 whatsoever, nor am i... your making a massive mistake... you think you know everything, which is evident but your going to learn rather quickly that you dont... your questioning guys that have been doing this just as long as you've even been alive... you keep bringing up fertility, and 3 months this and that... you CLEARLY DID NOT watch all of my videos because ive made videos specifically talking about not using steroids when your too young... what you dont grasp nor understand is that your wrecking your internal growth clock... your body has a naturally growing clock that is working throughout your life... its right in the middle of it now and your completely throwing it off and YES YOU ARE WITH JUST ONE CYCLE... you will learn though... it wont be a pleasant experience for you either... you may be okay right now but you wont be... i have no patience anymore for ones that think they know everything and even when told by many, DO NOT LISTEN... i hope things turn out okay for you but noone is advising steroid use to anyone your age, and i if they do, they dont belong here and will no longer be allowed...
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