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I want to add IGF1 LR3 to my next cycle. I want to use 20 mcgs a day with an IM shot. Since the dose is small should I use an insulin needle. Would I be able to do an IM shot with a 1/2" insulin needle, I feel like this is not deep enough? Or should I just use a regular 25 g needle (this would be hard to accurately draw out 20 mcgs since the syringe is so big).
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A 30g needle or prefabricated insulin syringe is fine. You don't need to IM it either. Subcutaneous is how it is medically prescribed for injection.
Peptides are generally administered subq. That fact that you don't know this is very alarming.
Subq and normal dose is 40mcg per day.

Get a 31G insulin syringe. Can get on amazon or a bunch of online medical supply sites. Can even get them from CVS.
ok thank you, the reason I'm confused (cbbram) is because my coach told me to do an IM shot in my delt, he is an IFBB pro and competed in the open class at the Olympia for several years, so his advice was contradictory to what most people recommend and what is being said in the comments here, thank you for your responses
You can do IM but it not necessary. Whatever you prefer however HGH, IGF-1, HCG, insulin, and other peptides are generally administered subq.
As ccbram said, it will still work IM, but it is definitely not necessary nor the recommended method.
ok thank you, the reason I'm confused (cbbram) is because my coach told me to do an IM shot in my delt, he is an IFBB pro and competed in the open class at the Olympia for several years, so his advice was contradictory to what most people recommend and what is being said in the comments here, thank you for your responses
just because someone is a pro or competed in the olympia doesnt mean they have a clue about this kind of thing... thats genetics and training effort etc... it doesnt mean they do things right when it comes to ped's or know the right from wrong along with how to be safe
There's really no benefit to pinning LR3 IM because it's longer acting IGF-1. DES is the quicker acting of the two and one can benefit from IM injections pre workout.
ok thank you, the reason I'm confused (cbbram) is because my coach told me to do an IM shot in my delt, he is an IFBB pro and competed in the open class at the Olympia for several years, so his advice was contradictory to what most people recommend and what is being said in the comments here, thank you for your responses

IM is done with peptides for the most part to try and increase growth or recovery to a specific muscle group.

In the end it will all be absorbed and used so really up to you. Ive done IM shots with insulin syringe in my delts as for some reason id get bruising when injecting subq in my abdomen. Again as others have stated really up to you will work either way.
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