
How to Effectively Dose Winstrol


New member

By: Dylan Gemelli

Winstrol is one of the most well known and historically used steroids in the fitness and bodybuilding world today. Best known for the ability to aide in aesthetics, strength, lean size and contest preparation, make it a favorite amongst money. Like every other steroid, there are obvious misconceptions about winstrol and the dosing needs to be taken very seriously and with precaution. Misuse of winstrol or any other steroid can cause adverse effects that a user will not want to experience. Read on to find out the most effective and safest way to use winstrol.

  • Introduction
    Side Effects


Winstrol provides many benefits to a user and is not surprisingly a favorite amongst many. Possessing the ability to add quality and sustainable size while allowing for aesthetically pleasing results is a look that is difficult to achieve but one of the most sought after. Winstrol use provides significant help in achieving this result. Although winstrol sounds like a no brainer, it can be very difficult for many users to cycle as the side effects can become an issue. Understanding what comes with winstrol use, how to protect yourself and to dose it properly are integral before beginning use. One must fully understand and address any possible side effects before determining the correct dosing scheme to utilize.

Side Effects:

Winstrol is a DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) derivative. DHT is looked upon as a chemical cousin of testosterone. It is responsible for the sexual differentiation that occurs in the womb before we are born. It is the dihydrotestosterone levels in the womb that determine whether or not the fetus will develop into a male or female. Clearly, DHT is an extremely strong androgen and is the most androgenic of all hormones. DHT plays a significant role in hair loss. This is a side effect that is very common with winstrol use and if one is susceptible to male pattern baldness, winstrol may not be an optimal choice. Winstrol is a methylated oral steroid and can wreak havoc on a users internal organs, especially cholesterol. Winstrol can also cause high amounts of joint pain due to the extreme drying out that can occur within a user's body. Lastly, winstrol will cause testosterone suppression, thus the need for a full PCT (post cycle therapy) with any use.


Before you begin your cycle, you should have ALL supports, ancillaries and post cycle products ON HAND and ready for use. One of the hardest lessons learned amongst steroid users is either not understanding or not addressing possible side effects. To address hair loss, there are several products on the market that can help but have shown to be extremely dangerous, both short and long term. It is extremely important to do thorough research before divulging into any anti hair loss products. A strong joint protectant or formula should be used in conjunction with winstrol use. It is imperative to protect yourself against the havoc winstrol could potentially wreak on your liver, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. There are several all in one cycle support protectants to select from or you could choose to buy ingredients separately at any vitamin store. Here are a few examples of protectants: Hawthorne Berry, Milk Thistle, Tudca, COQ10, detoxifying formulas, etc. There are many to choose from but it is extremely important to use full protection with an oral steroid.


Winstrol is a steroid that does not need to be dosed at extreme doses to be effective. The most common length of time winstrol is used is 6 weeks. It can safely be ran up to 8 weeks but a user may find the sides to become unbearable at this point. Eight weeks would be the top end of dosing but 6 will be the most optimal. A user can still see strong results at 4 weeks but may find that 4 weeks is not a sufficient amount of time. Winstrol is most effectively dosed at 50 mg per day for 6 weeks. A user will find that exceeding this dose will not only bring on many more side effects also be extremely difficult and unlikely to sustain for a six week run. Winstrol can be used in several different ways, but the most common and popular way to use it is at the end of a cycle, to add the muscle hardening look that many users desire. It will help to “clean up” gains made on cycle and lead one into Post Cycle Therapy with a more aesthetically pleasing look. Another dosing pattern to consider is dropping the dose in half at 25 mg per day. This dosing pattern may seem to be conservative, but if ran in conjunction with the proper stack, it can be extremely effective. At this more moderate dose, a user allows itself to acclimate to the side effects, be more effective in all aspects of a cycle due to lessening of side effects and still see excellent results. Winstrol can be used as a stand alone but will be far more effective ran in conjunction with testosterone and other anabolics. Winstrol should not be taken lightly and a user may want to tread lightly upon initial use and adjust dosing accordingly.


Winstrol dosing is something that should be taken very serious as the side effects from it can become a hindrance if not properly used. Determining what your body can handle by easing into dosing may be the safest and smartest method. Putting health and safety first is integral in utilizing these compounds to the highest extent and ensuring yourself the safest yet most effective scenario possible. Winstrol can show amazing results and if dosed properly, is a favorite amongst many.


By: Dylan Gemelli
cybrsage said:
Thanks for this, I wondered about the length of use. Very helpful.

Anytime you have any questions on any dosage, cycle, etc... just let me know... There are several ways and methods to do these properly and safely and I am happy to provide on how!
I've dosed as high as 100mg ed but wouldn't recommend it. I've found that at 50mg you get the least sides and the best mileage.

Slow and steady here.
Sides can become very apparent over 50mg ed but 50 seems to work fine for most people. The worst sides will be blood pressure, for sure.

Winnie is the princely combination of strength and hardness. It makes a great finisher at 6 weeks.
lmintoi said:
you can tell me exactly one cycle with winstrol and pct.Where to buy safe.thanks
6 week cycle

1-3 50mg each day
3-6 75mg each day

Pct- clomid
6-8 50mg each day
8-10 25mg each day


Send RickRock a PM and he'll get you a discount with Bio-Tech
A winstrol only cycle with no stats given? Come on

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Winstrol is most definitely my favorite oral of all, and I find that 50mg per day is more than enough for me. I absolutely love the hard, grainy, dry, and vascular look it brings. When stacked with masteron it really brings a look to my physique that nothing else can touch
TheSVPdeal said:
Should I add some to kick stop my 600mg tren and 600mg mast cycle? Lol. Rick?
Why not bro. May wanna dose some TUDCA with it after that cycle though. I'm with Rick. I love winny. Id do a winny/mast cycle myself but I'm afraid the aggression will be more than I can handle considering I'm the devil on winny alone lol

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My question concerns a Winstrol dosing schedule. I have been convinced from your postings about the value of adding Winstrol to the end of my cycle. I'll probably use 50mg a day. Should that dose be divided throughout the day or just a single 50mg dose? Is there a better time of day? I workout in the evening, is it better to take it before a workout?

My stats:
50 years old
9-10% body fat

I am 5 weeks into a 12 week cycle:
750mg week Test E
400mg week Tren E

2mg week Cabaser (brand of cabergoline)
25mg ED Aromasin
100mcg HcG ED (keeps the "boys" full size - my biggest side effect that I get is testicular shrinkage very badly)
10grams ED B5 (dosed throughout the day - prevents acne that I would normally get from the Test E)
100mg ED B6 (additional anti-prolactin support)
50mcg ED Cytomel (for T3 down-regulation caused by Tren)
1000mcg B12
300mg ED CoQ10
Various other vitamins and minerals

Cycle was front-loaded:
1000mg Test E
500mg Tren E

I do not suffer from any major side effects of these compounds. The ancillaries take care of those. I do get the night sweats every night from the Tren. Sheets are soaked! But I am level-headed and mild mannered even more than when I'm not on cycle. So much for steroid aggression...
When i run winny as a finisher i split it. 25mg in the am 25 at the evening.

Re: RE: Re: How to Effectively Dose Winstrol

DamNiceGuy said:
My question concerns a Winstrol dosing schedule. I have been convinced from your postings about the value of adding Winstrol to the end of my cycle. I'll probably use 50mg a day. Should that dose be divided throughout the day or just a single 50mg dose? Is there a better time of day? I workout in the evening, is it better to take it before a workout?

My stats:
50 years old
9-10% body fat

I am 5 weeks into a 12 week cycle:
750mg week Test E
400mg week Tren E

2mg week Cabaser (brand of cabergoline)
25mg ED Aromasin
100mcg HcG ED (keeps the "boys" full size - my biggest side effect that I get is testicular shrinkage very badly)
10grams ED B5 (dosed throughout the day - prevents acne that I would normally get from the Test E)
100mg ED B6 (additional anti-prolactin support)
50mcg ED Cytomel (for T3 down-regulation caused by Tren)
1000mcg B12
300mg ED CoQ10
Various other vitamins and minerals

Cycle was front-loaded:
1000mg Test E
500mg Tren E

I do not suffer from any major side effects of these compounds. The ancillaries take care of those. I do get the night sweats every night from the Tren. Sheets are soaked! But I am level-headed and mild mannered even more than when I'm not on cycle. So much for steroid aggression...
Wow, sounds like you have your body and cycles figured out to a T.
That's how I'll be running mine. Split dose am and pm. I haven't actually ran winny cause I've always been partial to VAR but Dylan has been tellin me for a min just how much he likes Winny, and I'm all about the dry look. Looking forward to my first experience in the next week or so.
Re: RE: Re: How to Effectively Dose Winstrol

TheSVPdeal said:
Should I add some to kick stop my 600mg tren and 600mg mast cycle? Lol. Rick?
Absolutely. I always finish Tren and mast with Winny. I'm on Tren and mast right now and will be starting Winny in about 6 weeks
Thanks for the info everybody! I'll split the dose 25mg AM and PM. Sounds like a winner. In the past I always did Anavar as a finisher. I noticed that it has kept the fat off my belly and it seems to have been a permanent effect. Now if only there was a compound that could do the same for the love handles...
Also, one of the ancillaries I left off in my post is 15mg ED lycopene. A doctor told me that people who take lycopene regularly never suffer from an enlarged prostate. My doctor says I have the prostate of a 70 year old man lol!!! So I don't need it to get any worse. So far so good. My prostate has actually improved. But I also think that has to do with proper estrogen control (more than DHT as commonly believed). I front-loaded Aromasin for a week prior to starting my cycle to get blood plasma levels up to handle the steroid front-load.
remember ..wimpy winny is a 17alpha. Liver issues here, and it is 17alpha whether you have it as tabs, aqueous suspension, or oil. Never had any side effects from winny, and not much effect either. Used 50mg m,w,fri, and 25 tues thurs, 100mg on sat. Went 12 weeks. No luck! Not on my list of cutters. Shame cause I am a vet and can easily get it. TrenA at 50mg ..not ed or eod, but M,Wed, Fri, and diet off eggs and beef.10% BF in 2 months time. Every other week for limpus dickus did 200mg cyp
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