
First Cycle -- Critique My Stack


New member
Hey Guys,

I'm brand new here. I've been watching Dylan's videos for a while and I'm looking for some feedback for my first cycle. Here's the relevant info:

33 y/o
208 lbs
Body fat -- 12-14%
Total training: 10 years.
Strength training: 6 years
Powerlifting: 2 years
No cycle history

Goals are to maximize strength and personal weight.
General goal is to move the most weight.
Longer terms goals: squat & deadlift 2.5x bodyweight, bench 1.5x bw

Supplements: Whey protein, L-Glutamine, Creatine, Beta Alanine, Fish Oil, ZMA, Tumeric

General idea of nutrition: Eat VERY clean: lots of egg whites, chicken, quinoa, rice, oatmeal, bananas, steaks, whole milk, apples, kale, broccoli, sweet potatos, yogurt, chia seeds, almonds. No cheat days, processed foods or refined sugar. I've been at 185 lb most my life and bumped up to 208 this year when I started eating for size (five meals a day). I eat a lot.

Minor lower back injuries over the years from poor squat form and not using a belt. I've dialed in my form now and haven't had back problems in about a year. Also using a belt now.


Here's my stack. This is based on what I've learned from Dylan's videos and other sources I've been studying over the last several months. It's basic Test-E with a Dbol cycle on the front. PCT is a combo cause someone recommended it and I figured better safe than sorry (I could use some guidance on this).

300mg Test Enanthate 2x a week for 14 weeks
20mg Dbol a day for first 4 weeks

PCT is 4 weeks of:
Clomid 100mg /day
Toremifene 20mg /day

I have Arimidex ready in case of gyno.
Drop the dbol. First cycle should be test only, 300-350mg.

Aromasin 12.5 mg eod...control your estrogen from day one, don't wait and see for the problems to show up.

Pct...look at the platinum pct from SARMSX, it has everything you need in a pct.

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Get blood work done also to see where your levels are. Pre, during, post

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
EA is mainly about entertainment. This forum is all about combining good gains with maximum safety.
You've been given excellent advice here, if you want to gamble with your health by following other information that's your choice.
I'm not sure if this channel is intended to give advice. I looked at it at trying/testing new things, so we don't have to. They try new things and we get to see the results. Coach Trevor has alot of experience in my opinion. Its cool to listen to him talk about it. Tony Hughes lifestyle is something else, some will agree with it some not, some will hate it. But the guy is no murderer. Live and let live.

I defnitely like Trevor a lot more, and I know their videos are "for educational purposes" but you know how that goes. All these newbs out there look at it as advice, which is not a real good thing
This is bad advice?

Is this guy's whole channel bad advice?
i would be extremely careful doing or listening to anything they recommend... dont be one that has to learn the hard way... they dont give a fuck about you or anyone elses health, trust me... i teach people daily about how to be safe, do things the right way etc meanwhile they are recommending people to use dnp, run deca only cycles etc... you tell me bro
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