
eq + test C cycle


New member
Planning on running a cycle for 16 weeks, mixing EQ and Test C.
500 test, 700eq.

I usually pin test C e5d. My question is how I should approach EQ, can I get away with pinning it e5d along with test C, or should I go closer to 2 or even 3 times a week.

Ive done some searhing on the webb, and alot of people prefer you pin EQ often. Closer to e2d. Curious what you guys think of this.

i would really pin both test and eq twice a week... its just more consistent for you in terms of blood stability... i also see no reason to go so high on the dosing... 500-600 max on eq and really with test, if you are intent on 500 then go for it but its also not necessary... you could easily go with 350 test and 500-600 eq, get nearly the same results with far less side effects, easier recovery and more keepability of your gains
The dosing Dylan outlined here are the same as my current approaches.

I went higher in the past but realized over time that I get at least the same benefits from lower doses.

Experiencial wisdom...
I would go with Dylan's recommendation and you can see that buddhabuilder has already done quite well with these doses. When I started listening to Dylan on more moderate doses, everything with my cycles got so much better all the way around
Planning on running a cycle for 16 weeks, mixing EQ and Test C.
500 test, 700eq.

I usually pin test C e5d. My question is how I should approach EQ, can I get away with pinning it e5d along with test C, or should I go closer to 2 or even 3 times a week.

Ive done some searhing on the webb, and alot of people prefer you pin EQ often. Closer to e2d. Curious what you guys think of this.

bro where the tren?
Contrary to steve, i like EQ at 16 weeks. There’s nothing wrong with your 16 weeks with EQ.

dylan gave you great dosing advice
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