Planning on running a cycle for 16 weeks, mixing EQ and Test C.
500 test, 700eq.
I usually pin test C e5d. My question is how I should approach EQ, can I get away with pinning it e5d along with test C, or should I go closer to 2 or even 3 times a week.
Ive done some searhing on the webb, and alot of people prefer you pin EQ often. Closer to e2d. Curious what you guys think of this.
500 test, 700eq.
I usually pin test C e5d. My question is how I should approach EQ, can I get away with pinning it e5d along with test C, or should I go closer to 2 or even 3 times a week.
Ive done some searhing on the webb, and alot of people prefer you pin EQ often. Closer to e2d. Curious what you guys think of this.