110% agreed that people on the board lie about their stats. But I'm not sure where you're going with that point. We all advise on what we are told..... unfortunately there's no way to confirm a guy's stats.
BF of 15-18% is average for men, no argument there either. BUT should the "average" guy be using AAS? IMO, no. And I have to agree with Buen that in most cases 18% = laziness and/or lack of knowledge.....I see your heart being in the right place with you wanting to steer a guy in the right direction who's "going to do it anyway" but isn't it better to steer a guy into playing the waiting game? IMO, yes.
I do agree with you that a lot of guys are drawn to our site for the AAS aspect. That's where we need to do a better job as mods & vets. ur site CAN NOT be all about AAS...we need more discussions on;
AAS should always be the icing on the cake.
Ultimately, this is a topic for another thread. The question @ hand here is should the OP be using AAS in his situation.