
difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

The absorbtion rate is pretty much identicle. I've ran several full cycles sub q only in pecs, gut and lats. But again you really really need to know what your doing...

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The absorbtion rate is pretty much identicle. I've ran several full cycles sub q only in pecs, gut and lats. But again you really really need to know what your doing...

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Would you mind giving some of your pointers for those of us that might want to pursue the sub q route ?
Re: RE: Re: difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

scyatic said:
The absorbtion rate is pretty much identicle. I've ran several full cycles sub q only in pecs, gut and lats. But again you really really need to know what your doing...

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Would you mind giving some of your pointers for those of us that might want to pursue the sub q route ?
Ya sure man what are you running. What compound and how many mg a week. It's going to really depend on that. You can only sub q so much safly. And even then it can be dangerous.

I certainly would not go above .25 of an ML in one give if your going to sub q something like test.

Can I ask why you want to go this route?

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I was looking to go into a TRT Cruise and Blast, so i dont really need to inject a lot.

I am 50 and not looking to use a large amount of steroids. So to me a sub q route might be a good alternative. I primarily plan on just using Test C as a cruise then up the volume for a blast once or twice a year. I don't really anticipate exceeding anything beyond about 500mg of Test C per week on a blast.
I found more complications with the sub q route than I ever did with IM. Have you tried IM yet? I would say try the glute or ventro glute first and go from there.

The sub q is really not something I advise for someone unless thier doctor can walk them through it directly. It's something a lot of medical professionals are now reccomending and practicing but that's also with the use of pharmecitical grade steroid. Not something from a UGL. Certain oil contents can really cause some damage. I pinned some really bad test sub q one time and got a massive massive infection from it. I have permanent scaring from the hemotoma that formed.

I only perfected it now after a lot of fuck ups. It's really safer to do the IM route. I would just really hate to see you go through what I did.

If you must though.... I do my sub q in the stomach. I do it from the mid section of my abdominal and over to the putters idea two inches. I use a typical insulin needle I can't remember the exact size. I can check tomorrow.... I insert the needle all the way and then inject. I do NOT go above .20 ML in one given spot though.

I hope this helps. Actually I hope it helps you see how much of a complication it can be and how IM is so much better... I actually am terrified of needles. It's my biggest fear in the world. But I can handle ventro glute and glute. I avoid quads personally.

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scyatic said:
I was looking to go into a TRT Cruise and Blast, so i dont really need to inject a lot.

I am 50 and not looking to use a large amount of steroids. So to me a sub q route might be a good alternative. I primarily plan on just using Test C as a cruise then up the volume for a blast once or twice a year. I don't really anticipate exceeding anything beyond about 500mg of Test C per week on a blast.

What do you have against doing injections intramuscular? It's easy and nonproblematic. Makes no sense to me at all to me why someone would opt for subQ
If you insisted on doing subQ I personally would try to get a water based test.

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