
Crazy gyno flare up all input welcomed

The incredible Bulk

New member
I really need some help here guys, currently 7 weeks In, nandrolone 600, test e 350 per week, shots are every 3.5 days, had been running arimidex at 0.5mg every 3.5 days up until now and all was OK, maybe a slight tenderness in nipples but was under control.

Skip to a few days ago and my glands (especially the right) are so swollen it's unreal, extremely painful to the touch, this has happened in the last week when I've hit full saturation levels (enenthate esthers)

3 days ago I upped my arimidex to 1mg ed, this does not seem to have helped, I have now been advised to start 20mg tamoxifen for 7 days alongside my arimidex protocol

If this has no effect on the problem after 7 days I have been advised it is probably a prolactin issue as any estrogen issues would be dealt with by my weeks course of tamoxifen and arimidex

I guess I'm just looking for anyone else's input here as I'm really at a dead end in terms of what to do.

I have arimidex tamoxifen letrozole and cabergoline to hand

I really do appreciate any Input gent's

Regards Bulker
where is your bloodwork? Have you not been using caber? I guess i dont understand what you would expect running deca that high and that much more than test... this issue should be expected... you need to get bloodwork done especially checking estrogen and prolactin... i would hold off on nolva until you get bloodwork done...
I would definitely get your bloodwork to be precise and I would consider lowering your deca dose as well
where is your bloodwork? Have you not been using caber? I guess i dont understand what you would expect running deca that high and that much more than test... this issue should be expected... you need to get bloodwork done especially checking estrogen and prolactin... i would hold off on nolva until you get bloodwork done...
I have not been using caber, all I have been taking is 0.5mg arimidex every 3.5 days

I was under the impression that if your dick still gets hard and your sex drive is more rampant than normal you don't need to go higher on the test as it's already enough to do what it's meant to do..?

On 350mg test and 600mg deca I am an extremely horny mother fucker but I guess there is a lot more to it than that..

As you can probably tell from my lack of a response I have no bloodwork.. I know.. asshole
Have bumped the arimidex to 1mg each day 3 days ago, I was told the best way to figure out if its prolactin or estrogen related (without getting bloodwork) would be to take arimidex and nolva for 7 days, if the problem persists I can rule out estrogen being the culprit.. what would you make of this?
I dont do anything by guesswork period... thats just ignorant advice to be giving people because if you guess wrong, you can just make shit a lot worse... i honestly dont have sympathy for people who refuse to get bloodwork... not saying you are refusing whatsoever but if you cant get bloodwork, you really are on your own with trial and error and need to have it in the back of your head that you could make things worse... good luck bro
No your right I've been an ass the past ten years going off "feels"

Dylan I'm looking at bloodwork testing now,

Does this seem like it covers all the markers I would need tested? I will have absolutely no idea how to read my results so I may need to come back here and show my results if that's okay.

Appreciate the time sir
Pushing bloodwork off is the reason you’re in this situation, proper bloodwork would of warned you before this happened
yes thats a great test to go with and yes, you can post results and we will help you bro
I've ordered it just waiting on arrival, how often do you guys tend to have your bloodwork done? Also is there an optimum time to have the test taken? Like day before i pin, the day I pin, the day after? Appreciate it sir
I've ordered it just waiting on arrival, how often do you guys tend to have your bloodwork done? Also is there an optimum time to have the test taken? Like day before i pin, the day I pin, the day after? Appreciate it sir
Pre, mid and post cycle at the minimum... please watch this video i just posted...

the test needs to be done in the morning and fasted otherwise numbers will be skewed...
Pre, mid and post cycle at the minimum... please watch this video i just posted...

the test needs to be done in the morning and fasted otherwise numbers will be skewed...
Optimale test arrives tomorrow, thanks for the video very informative!

I plan to pin and take my arimidex on a sunday as usual and have my bloods taken on the Tuesday, does this sound OK to you or would there be a better protocol?

I know you said in the video ai can give a false reading but I hate to think what my gyno will do if I don't take anything until then..

BTW i couldn't handle the pain in my glands anymore (mainy the right) so I took 2mg of caber lastnight and things have drastically improved, I still have puffiness and can feel lumps under there but that swolen aggressive pulsating pain like my nipple was gonna explode has gone, I know it ain't smart to just pop pills and hope they will work but I couldn't handle the pain anymore and decided to take a gamble.

Will taking caber on the Sunday along with my pin and ai be OK?
Ya man I agree that blood work is key in really defining exactly what you need to do but reading your first post I was like yup it’s prolactin Iv dealt with the same thing in the Pat while running Deca. Caber or vitamin B6 will do you well to keep on hand and use from now on when running Deca. Def still get blood work tho
OK guys I did what you said, here are the blood results. Still running the same as stated above and taking 0.5 arimidex and 1mg caber every time I take my shot. Took my shot and caber arimidex Sunday evening and had bloods drawn the Tuesday morning, I was around 7 or 8 hours fasted for the blood draw.

From what I see ive crashed my prolactin and my oeastradiol is still maybe a little high, im just keeping the gyno at bay it's there but nowhere near as bad as it was, if my prolactin is crashed does this mean it must be the oeastradiol causing the gyno?

Here are the bloods, I really don't know what I'm looking for any Input I'd appreciated!


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you do need to donate blood, which is commonly needed...

stop taking caber first and fore most... you need to get your estrogen down... either switch to aromasin or raise your aimidex dose
Yes il stop the caber immediately and up the arimidex, do you think I would be better upping the dose to 1mg/3.5days or upping the frequency to 0.5mg/eod?

Also wuld you recommend stopping the caber completely?

Il get myself booked in to give blood on Monday!
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