
consult my cycle


New member
Dear Dylan I’m a 34 yrs male, 235 pounds weight, 6.3 foot tall with around 20-22% body fat I’m not a body builder, more of an endurance athlete (cross fit, running, swimming) I have never used any kind of PED, yet I would like to do so So I’m educating my self about it first before putting anything inside my body My diet is 100% clean but my body does not deal well with cutting calories since my job is very stressful (surgeon) , I’m usually on 2500-300 calorie diet I’m looking for the safest things I can run, my goals are more power, stamina and less body fat (looking for 10-12%). Note : money is not an issue I will most probably start w HGH (4 units/day, I got the Pfizer mini quick genotropin) So the question is what are ur advices regarding possible options to reach my goal
the main thing is working on your diet and cardio... your body fat is way too high to even consider steroid use... so your focus needs to be on fixing you diet, which clearly has issues and your training, implementing more cardio etc... sarms would be an option for you to help accelerate the process as well
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