
Bulge of muscle popped out of my tibia / shin


Active member
A few months back, approimately 4, I ran MK677 @20mg a day and after a month a bulge started to pop out of my left "tibia" or shin.
When I "caress" the skin and touch that area I also feel a nerve going all the way down, almost to my foot, and it runs up to my knee...
I feel like my tibial muscles outgrew my "bone structure" too fast, and now depending on the position I take I have a bulge of muscle, fat, or even some nerve coming out of the lower part of my left shin, a little above my ankle...

Could it be carpal tunnel syndrom?
it's either some sort of bunion forming or inflammation

I would go see an ortho and have them take a look at it
I would say I have such a bunion at my lower arm already, I was on M14ADD and practiced threwing the javelin, my lower arm was so inflamed it turned blue and was sore for 2 good weeks at least... At this exact spot I now have a little bunion...

But the bunion at my shin is way different... It's so weird...

All unlikely.
What I have is definitely weird. It's visible though! I showed it to some people and they validated that it was awkward to see this bulge moving around when I was flexing my shins...

Anyways... Might see an ortho in fact! But when I'm gonna see him my left pec inflammation will be a priority even over that lol
"File is too large" too many times...
I'll post a picture tomorrow.
The picture above was at the sauna trying to lift my feet up because of how bad the water retention was. I had Bodybuilding tan on lol
The skin of my legs was shining because of how tense the skin had become, my skin felt like it was going to break. My feet and ankles literally felt heavy, because they were!! I had a reasonably low bodyfat percentage at that time, maybe 13%... And in the matter of 3-4 days this happened.
And ever since then I have a small bunion I'm gonna try to show you tomorrow...
It's not painful but all I can say is that it's annoying. When I bent forward I oftentimes feel the nerve down my shin...
I don't have many injuries fortunately, the only one I have right now is my left pec that is still inflamed and hinders me from training my pecs hard as I want
The forearm thing was just temporary, now there is a small bunion too...

Too much strain and ped abuse guys...

I think the oedema could have been really dangerous though. It was scary. It literally felt like weights were attached to my ankles/feet... Scary memory.
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