
About cholesterol-Part 1


Active member
Hello my dear brothers, and sisters too now I see! I hope everyone is making progress toward their goals, and remember we do not ever give up the fight. Sometimes the iron wins and sometimes we win!
I wanted to add some info that is important for all of us, and we all have it.Plus there is way way more that we need to know about cholesterol than what those aggravating commercials on TV scream at us and even way more that what we will get from our busy doctors. For starters, let's take a look at the good things—did you know cholesterol is vital for health?

These days, most people know their total cholesterol count; some know their LDL and HDL counts (although fewer know which is considered good and which bad); fewer know the more important ratio between the two basic cholesterol types; and fewer still know further breakdowns exist in each type, let alone know where their own blood levels fit in the mix.
In recent years a rift has grown between those who fanatically believe that low LDL (low density lipoprotein, the "bad cholesterol") is the most important element to heart health and those who believe it's not important at all. Like most things, the truth likely falls between the two points.
Experts agree high HDL (the high density, "good" cholesterol) is protective against accumulating cholesterol blockage in the arteries. Raising your HDL is a worthy goal; the safest, cheapest and healthiest way to do this is with exercise... all exercise, but cardio exercise in particular.
Yes, about the cardio, make the time to do it. And if you cannot tolerate aerobic work due to boredom, then change your mindset and think...this is good for a healthy life.
Stop with the "this is gay shit" Living life with our goals met and being healthy is not gay.

While there's some controversy over the importance of low LDL cholesterol levels, there's no doubt high LDL in combination with raised inflammatory markers is deadly. You've heard of these, but likely have not had the blood tests done as they're not ordered automatically: Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein, Lipoprotein /a, Fibrinogen. In laymen's terms, high levels of these give the LDL cholesterol something to stick to. (Bad juju.You understand Tarzan?) This would give you two things to address, or more: lowering both the LDL and whichever markers were high. Fortunately, the treatment can also be the same: cardio, cardio,cardio,diet,statins,supps.

If you do go on statins (or use red rice yeast to test as a natural substitute), review the research on the need for supplemental COQ10, as both statins and red rice yeast stop the production of COQ10 in addition to LDL production.
What about diet and cholesterol? Maybe your loved one heard a low-fat diet is the best way to go. Is that right? Not necessarily. The only certain way to clear arteries is ultra-low calorie intake, but that, of course, leads to other problems. However, it's true: People who starve to death have arteries that are as "clean as a baby's."
This was discovered during autopsies of POW's, anorexics etc. Yes..their arteries were spic n span.

Lowered cholesterol via a low fat or vegetarian diet will apparently work for about 20% of all people. It's not true for everyone and testing through trial and error would be the key because for many people a lower carb diet would be better. In fact, a low fat diet can be disastrous for part of the population.
Your diet and exercise trial-and-error process could take an entire year of testing, changing for six weeks and testing again. But if you persevere, you'll discover the answer that's right for YOU, instead of blindly following the ads on your nightly television programs.
But wait! Don't relax just because you get your cholesterol results back and are told everything's "normal."
Both HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol is made up of a range of different types of particles and for a majority of the population, particle type is the key issue. Within the LDL class there are A and B families of particles and within these families, seven types of particles. Everyone has a mix of particle types, but if your heredity leads to a higher range of the denser particles within the LDL class, you have a problem—even if your total cholesterol is low or your HDL/LDL ratio is good.

On the other hand, if your total cholesterol is high but the LDL "B" family particles are light and fluffy, this is a much less dangerous condition.
As you can see, this is a much more complex subject than simply getting your cholesterol lower than the suggested 200. Spend a Saturday afternoon researching the potential problem; get a clear picture of the issues discussed above and methodically go to work plotting the health of your arteries and what, if anything, needs to be done to increase your arterial condition.
Before you say..oh Drb is just old school lets make this clear. There is a minimum daily requirement for fats in order to live.There is a minimum daily requirement for protein to live. No such thing for Carbs...especially bad carbs. For carbs there is only suggested intake. So for you to stay alive you MUST have fat and protein. I am not heading into the steak and eggs diet here. I just want you to aware that for you or for me, low carb may lower your values.
I cannot stress the importance of all of this info enough! Taking care of your cholesterol levels is no joke. We all need to keep an eye on our levels of both HDL and LDL and do the things necessary to preserve our health and longevity.

Thank you so much for this valuable info, as always Drb!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
For those of you with interest in this, I think that part 2 will be today or tomorrow. He always had a cholesterol value of 110 for most of his life. He will explain his diet ideas to you. To his amazement he goes on tren for the first time in 10 years then adds GW, and his value goes down...not up like he expected from the tren
For those of you with interest in this, I think that part 2 will be today or tomorrow. He always had a cholesterol value of 110 for most of his life. He will explain his diet ideas to you. To his amazement he goes on tren for the first time in 10 years then adds GW, and his value goes down...not up like he expected from the tren
I'm very interested in seeing part 2. This is a great topic. I'll be starting tren myself in 6 weeks, so I'm very intrigued

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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