
Sarms cutting stack


New member
Hey guys I’m looking to get some advice on a cutting stack I have chosen! Is the dosage in your descriptions the same for women?
I am 22 years old, 133 lbs, 5’1. I plan on doing this also by counting macros at about 1530 calories per day cardio 3x per week and weightlifting 5x per week.


I did some research in these but i couldn’t find anything about any of these specifically affecting the birth control that I am on (nexplanon). Do you guys happen to know anything about that? Also, is it a good idea to run Cardarine post cycle ?
for women, the doses are different and also, ostarine can cause irregularities in your menstrual cycle as well as clitoris enlargement... its not a guarantee but a possibility... women also do not need a pct although you could run a test booster 4 weeks after the cycle... rad140 would be 5 mg per day... ostarine 12.5 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 25 mg the last 8 weeks... nutrobal would be 12.5 mg per day and andarine, 50 mg per day
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