


New member
Hey man I have been watching some of your videos on YouTube. I'm soon to be 26 years old and I have extremely low testosterone so a doctor has me on injections once every two weeks, 1 ml at a time. I was looking in to taking more test. What would you recommend for dosing more test in. Thanks
What are your stats, age height weight bodyfat percentage training experience cycle experience
I wouldn’t just go adding to your TRT if you’re not in good shape.
i wouldnt.. you need to stay on trt a good 6 months first and get acclimated before you start blasting etc man
TRT is replacing what your body should of been supplying..and in most case a bit more than what you originally had
You need to build a foundation of diet and training before "blasting"... I'm talking YEARS before you will reach your natural potential
If you can't make MAJOR gains on TRT...adding more test isn't going to do anything for you
It's your diet and training that produce the gains...NOT the amount of steroid you inject
Just because you are on TRT..the rules don't's not like ..."oh..I'm already injecting I'll just add more"
Sorry..It doesn't work like that
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Hey man I have been watching some of your videos on YouTube. I'm soon to be 26 years old and I have extremely low testosterone so a doctor has me on injections once every two weeks, 1 ml at a time. I was looking in to taking more test. What would you recommend for dosing more test in. Thanks
How long have you been on TRT and what is your full stats experience and goals?

It seems a bit premature to start taking superphsiological doses of test to me
TRT is replacing what your body should of been supplying..and in most case a bit more than what you originally had
You need to build a foundation of diet and training before "blasting"... I'm talking YEARS before you will reach your natural potential
If you can't make MAJOR gains on TRT...adding more test isn't going to do anything for you
It's your diet and training that produce the gains...NOT the amount of steroid you inject
Just because you are on TRT..the rules don't's not like ..."oh..I'm already injecting I'll just add more"
Sorry..It doesn't work like that
you need to read this post several times to get a grasp of how this works and should be done
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