
First Sarm Cycle help


New member

Never did any ped cycle. So this would be my first one.
I’m looking to gain muscle although my body fat is 13.5-14%
I was thinking about stacking these LGD, Osta and s4 but then I read that instead of osta i can replace rad 140 too. And now I’m confused, the guys at enhanced athelete recomended osta lgd cycle.
So can you please help?
Also as I’m looking to bulk, s4 won’t hinder my gains right? As it’s a cutting sarm so should i add it or not?

Any help would be really helpful. Thank you.
yes you can add s4 it would give you a nice boost in strength. as for osta or rad . rad is overall stronger i think but ostarine will help with your bone healing , i'd personally choose rad if you want more results
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Of course you can add s4, and no it won't hinder gains. It does the opposite. You add lean mass and strength with it.

LGD, rad, and s4 is the best cycle you can run for that goal
s4 is used in every type of cycle, cutting, recomp and even bulking... hinder your gains? what?? where on earth would you come up with that nonsense? it will help them tremendously... i would do A LOT more research before doing anything man...
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