
dbol for bulk


New member
Hi Dylan.hope u gud.
Am thinking of getting on with dbol for bulk and clean cut......on weekly basis though..what is the best combination i can go with with dbol for bulk and cut..what would u recommend.thank you
Why don't you start by giving us your full stats? Age, weight, height, goals, training experience, diet, any previous cycles, etc...
dbol for a clean cut?? LOLLL what?? thats like saying you want to go to a club and get some ass without taking a shower and smelling like shit... come on man.. .that makes NO SENSE which clearly says you dont know what you are doing and should NOT be considering steroids
Hi Dylan.hope u gud.
Am thinking of getting on with dbol for bulk and clean cut......on weekly basis though..what is the best combination i can go with with dbol for bulk and cut..what would u recommend.thank you
I hope you understand that dbol only cycles or any oral by itself is not advised at all. Also, we need your full stats experience and goals before we can advise you on anything
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