
What's your PRs

I don't doubt it brother. For females, being shorter, they naturally have great leverage for shit like that. Just think about how much shorter the distance she has to move that weight compared to you. Very impressive for sure.

Oh ya. She puts me to shame. I dont even bother. Lol

600 dead like text said is a great number. What's your weight. Instead of PR, I am a fan of Wilkes scores

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600 dead like text said is a great number. What's your weight. Instead of PR, I am a fan of Wilkes scores

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I'm 6'1" former college football player. Weight fluctuates between 220-250. I'm about 245 right now...cutting season is starting in January...ugh! I'm also blessed with very strong legs. And thanks to you and TX...I'm pretty tough on myself when it comes to my strength.
I'm 6'1" former college football player. Weight fluctuates between 220-250. I'm about 245 right now...cutting season is starting in January...ugh! I'm also blessed with very strong legs. And thanks to you and TX...I'm pretty tough on myself when it comes to my strength.

We are all our own worst critics. Keep at it man. Those are some beast lifts for sure. Definitely above what many will ever do.
Honestly I have no clue anymore. Cycle is really throwing everything into a guessing game. Did OHP today my weakest compound movement and I hit 165 which for me is outrageous. I'm sure Ill be hitting that 500 dead in a week or two. Squat is all over the place haven't maxed out 350 for five is pretty easy now. Bench still sucks.
I honestly have only really started training with a much greater emphasis on strength recently within the past few months. It was really hard for me to step out of the 6-10 rep comfort zone. So the maxes that I have are more like *most attempted so far* and have been achieved as of the past two weeks.

Bench: 305lbs
Squat: 335lbs (This has always been a struggle for me as I have reduced shoulder mobility to grip the bar behind me from a dislocation as well as tight Achilles that affect stability, working on this one!!!)
BB Row: 205
Deadlift 365 (technically 3RM)
I just totally fucked my shoulder so the PR's for me are going on the back burner for a month at least lol.
Shit. Shoulder injuries suck. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. Hate getting set back.

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Yaaaa it feels like a bad one. we will see. I have had a minor labral tear there in the left shoulder. I think I just did it again. or worsened it.
I'll get in on this.

Heaviest bench was 405 but did 4x 395 at 195 pound bw
Squat 405
In front on head shoulder press 315
Can't do deads or jerks with my disc in my back for fear of complete rupture lol.

I actually though my squats were weak but I guess not.
I just totally fucked my shoulder so the PR's for me are going on the back burner for a month at least lol.
Damn TX, shoulder injuries Suck Bad! Good luck man. I am a big fan of the resistance bands.
at feels like a total waste. But do them every day an over time it really builds those little muscles back.
And the rear delt machine for light reps is really good too.
Goo luck with the rehab bro!
I'll hop in on this

Bench: 315x1
Deadlift: 450x1
Squat: 350x1
Powerclean: 205x1
OHP: 155x4
Barbell Curl: 140x6(honestly just came in to post this hit it as a joke and now I'm the curls guy at the gym)
Looking at this thread made me realise how low my bench is compared to my squat and deadlift. Obviously it's my weak point.

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