
vitamin b12 injections


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Will vitamin b12 injections aid in fat loss? How long do i take them for. Do i have to pin every day? How many weeks? Can i pin in shoulders?
peter24 said:
Will vitamin b12 injections aid in fat loss? How long do i take them for. Do i have to pin every day? How many weeks? Can i pin in shoulders?

They do need pinned daily, but don't expect it to aid you,much as far as fat loss is concerned. What is your reason for wanting to do B12 injections and what are your goals?
Re: RE: Re: vitamin b12 injections

peter24 said:
im just bouncing ideas for now. Im 25 yo 25% bf. i want to be down to 10% or so
You should look into a nice sarms stack which would be very effective for that goal, and help you build some muscle and strength in the process
I had a bad experience with sarms in the past. I bougbht a gw from dylan gemelli about a year ago and well it didnt work too well. i am considering a steroid cycle, but idk what to use
Re: RE: Re: vitamin b12 injections

peter24 said:
I had a bad experience with sarms in the past. I bougbht a gw from dylan gemelli about a year ago and well it didnt work too well. i am considering a steroid cycle, but idk what to use
What was your experience? Was your GW from SARMS 1? I'm guessing so, based on the fact it was a year ago. That would explain why your experience was not good. It was found that sarms1 quality went way downhill and the products were severely underdosed. You wouldn't have that issue with pure essence, which is our sponsor here. Their sarms are very high quality, and as good as it gets.

Steroids are not the answer for your goals at all. They are not fat burners.
Maybe. Not significantly though unless you're deficient. Otherwise you'll get a good boost in cellular energy/protein synthesis I assume.

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I hd to give my ex her b12 shot in her little ass, It was for her Headaches, Her body didn't hardly have any b12 in her, after about a week she started eating like a horse lol. anything in sight of her was fair game. just a heads up. But at the time she was only about 115 lbs soaking wet,
I've been doing vitamin B complex injections for years now and they only help with energy, and appetite lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!
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