
Time off


I'm running a 12 week cycle of Test E 300mg every 6 days. After that and I run my PCT is it recommended to wait longer before starting another cycle or safe to jump back in once PCT is finished?
So your doing on shot of test E every 6 days? Let me guess your new to this? You should be doing two shots a week at 150 if your doing a cycle of Test E 300mgs.
you need to pin test e twice a week man, not every 6 days... why are you doing this when you clearly have zero concept of what you are doing... you are supposed to ask this shit BEFORE you start... i mean, these are so basic of question... i would just stop what you are doing before you fuck yourself up... you dont start and learn as you go, you learn FIRST then start... THIS is why steroids get a bad name... irresponsible use
you need to pin test e twice a week man, not every 6 days... why are you doing this when you clearly have zero concept of what you are doing... you are supposed to ask this shit BEFORE you start... i mean, these are so basic of question... i would just stop what you are doing before you fuck yourself up... you dont start and learn as you go, you learn FIRST then start... THIS is why steroids get a bad name... irresponsible use

Totally agree this is how people get hurt and give gear a bad reputation
I'm running a 12 week cycle of Test E 300mg every 6 days. After that and I run my PCT is it recommended to wait longer before starting another cycle or safe to jump back in once PCT is finished?
Time on plus pct equals time off. You are looking at about 18 weeks off after pct before starting another cycle
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