
Thoughts on this 14 Week Cycle


New member
I am 41 yrs old, I have done over 4 cycles, I have around 16% BF at 205 lbs.
Here is the cycle what do you all think?

14 Week Cutting Cycle

  • Test E: 500mg/week (1-14 wks)
  • Masteron E: 600mg/week (1-14 wks)
  • MK-677: 25mg/ED (1-14 wks before bed)
  • Arimidex: .5mg/EOD (1-12 wks)
  • Anavar: 50mg/ED (1-8 wks)
  • Tren E: 300mg/week (5-14 wks)
  • GW-50156: 20mg/ED (5-14 wks in the AM)
  • Proviron: 50mg/ED (5-14 wks)
  • Winstrol: 50mg/ED (9-14 wks)
  • PCT: 16-21 WEEKS
  • Clomid: 50mg/ED (16-18 wks) / 25mg/ED (19-21 wks)
  • Nolvadex: 40mg/ED (16-18 wks) / 20mg/ED (19-21 wks)
  • Aromasin: 6.25/EOD (16-21 wks)
  • Organ Support: (16-21 wks)
  • GW-50156: 20mg/ED (16-21 wks)
  • MK-2866: 25mg/ED (16-19 wks)
1. too long with anavar... MAX 6 weeks...

2. i would lower test to around 350 but thats up to you

3. i would lower to 12 weeks on this cycle... theres no reason to go 14 weeks and that only makes your recovery longer and more difficult for really not much of any added benefit and that also means you are less likely to keep gains made...

4. you need to have something for prolactin at least on hand... at 300 mg week you should be okay with vitamin b6 but i recommend always having caber or prami on hand

5. i would get your body fat down a bit more before you start... the 12-13 range would be ideal

this could be a very very very nice cycle, just some small changes and you are good to go

for the best quality sarms visit either or
Dylan gave you a very thorough breakdown of your cycle and I concur on all points made. I would make sure to get yourself into a bit better condition first and that should not be too difficult for you as you are not too far off but I would absolutely address that
1. too long with anavar... MAX 6 weeks...

2. i would lower test to around 350 but thats up to you

3. i would lower to 12 weeks on this cycle... theres no reason to go 14 weeks and that only makes your recovery longer and more difficult for really not much of any added benefit and that also means you are less likely to keep gains made...

4. you need to have something for prolactin at least on hand... at 300 mg week you should be okay with vitamin b6 but i recommend always having caber or prami on hand

5. i would get your body fat down a bit more before you start... the 12-13 range would be ideal

this could be a very very very nice cycle, just some small changes and you are good to go

for the best quality sarms visit either or

Thanks Dylan for your thoughts, I appreciate it.
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Anavar is too long. No point for proviron with masteron in there. It will overpower it and you'll get nothing extra from it
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