
testosterone and deca cycle


New member
First of all I want to thank you for your great information on your YouTube channel.
I'm a disciple from Iran.
Dear Dylan
I have a problem with deca which l hope you can help me with.
Let me describe it for you👇
I was on on a testosterone cyle(350mg/week-12 weeks) which was working very well.on the 8th week I decided to add deca to the cycle
Which was a bad idea
Because even i a low dosage of deca like 50mg/week serious side effects such as pain in my nipples and headaches started.
Now the questions is why I'm having these side effects (as you know Deca doesn't convert to estrogen) and is there any way to avoid such side effects?
Thank you and sorry for the poor English
deca actually does convert to estrogen, just not at a high rate... i cannot answer this without you getting me some sort of bloodwork to see
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