


New member
Hi dylan ,

First thanks for your info regarding sarms
I have one question

I will run an anavar and test cycle , anavar 70 mg per day and test @350
I am worried regarding the DHT effect on hair , i dont think i am that prone to MPB but do u think this dose of test will be converted causing high DHT level?
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals?????????? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals?????????? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…

I had ran an anavar only cycle last year for 6 weeks
I am 24 yrs
Bf is 9% and i am 85 KG and had been training for 5 years . I am nearly in perfect physique i just want to put the edge to be as a competitor
I am a complete mesomorph who dont have issues bulking but want to be as shredding as possible
Inwill incorporate test with anavar but just want to see if this cycle will affect my hair
anavar only... well that says enough right there... you have a perfect physique at 9%? sorry bro... you are delusional but you are too young for steroid use regardless... noone here is going to advise that whatsoever...
I had ran an anavar only cycle last year for 6 weeks
I am 24 yrs
Bf is 9% and i am 85 KG and had been training for 5 years . I am nearly in perfect physique i just want to put the edge to be as a competitor
I am a complete mesomorph who dont have issues bulking but want to be as shredding as possible
Inwill incorporate test with anavar but just want to see if this cycle will affect my hair
T0o young for steroid use, and we would never advise an oral only cycle....especially anavar. Anavar is made for women and is weak as fuck for males
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