
Starting first sarm cycle

End of week 5
Same again this week. No big changes. Feel good in the gym. Nothing over the top yet. Pushing as hard as I can. Eating well. Today I am 187 lb and back down to 10%bf. a little muscle gain according to readings. I can’t see it but it’s always hard to see yourself I guess.
I have been getting a bunch of little pimple / water blisters. One or two every day. Mostly on my upper arms with a few on the stomach now and then.
I have gotten to where the taste doesn’t really bother me any more.
One more week to the half way point. I still feel optimistic!

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Week six is done. I am half way through my cycle. Can’t say I feel anything. Still eating well and pushing it hard in the gym.
Doing blood work this coming week.

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I read that I could increase S4 to 100 per day? I am currently at 50mg. Since I already have the vision sides and just going to deal with it until the end. Could I just keep going up for my last 6 week?

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I read that I could increase S4 to 100 per day? I am currently at 50mg. Since I already have the vision sides and just going to deal with it until the end. Could I just keep going up for my last 6 week?

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wouldn't advice it if you allrdy got those vision problems..keep it 50 don't get greedy especially since this is ur 1st cycle
Yes DG
That’s where I read the ability to take the dose to 100mg.
I understand it to say too ease into it too see if you get the vision side effect. Also says you can cut to 5 on 2 off to reduce the side effect.
My question since I have it at 50 would it get worse at 100. I figured since I already have it and I am able to dolerate it. I might try going to 75 the 100. For the last halve of my cycle. If it gets worse could drop back to 50. And ride that to the end.
Any thoughts?

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you need to do it how i laid it out or you are going to likely be sorry and ruin the cycle... i make that very clear in the protocol...
Sorry I meant to say I could raise it from 50-60 then 60 -70.
You mention I could ruin the cycle?
Maybe I mid understood? I thought it said I could continue to increase as long as I was able to handle the sides. Since I Have the vision sides am I supposed to back off and go down from the 50

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im so lost dude... you can increase it JUST LIKE IT SAYS IN MY DOSING PROTOCOL... just like i told you to start... it says exactly how to do it... i cant make it any easier.. you made it sound like you were just going to jump right to 100 mg which of course could ruin the cycle because thats too much too fast
Wow it’s been a rough week. Last Saturday and Sunday I had great work outs. Got up Monday with the start of a cold. By end of Tuesday hstarted having real bad abdominal pain. Finally went to dr yesterday. I have an infection in my colon/intestines. Real bad stomach pain. Started antibiotics. Been keeping up with my doses. Food intake has been down and not good quality. No workouts, just lots of bed time. I was scared it was my appendix.
I am hoping to feel good enough to get back in the gym tomorrow.
Big bummer missing a week out of the cycle.

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So I felt better this morning. Was able to get to the gym. My work out was actually a real good one. I can already tell that just missing 3 of my regular gym days, I’m gonna be sore tomorrow! Gonna hit it hard tomorrow then take of my regular Monday and Tuesday.

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Got lab result and things are ok but not bad. When I started TRT I was low around 300( can’t remember. Got it up to 501 then started cycle. Now just past mid cycle it has dropped to 421. We started with a 120mg dose then went to 180 mg dose. Today we went up to 210mg. Estrogen is good. You can tell the sarms do suppress as expected. Only thing that was low was my free test

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Good day at the gym. End of week 8.
190 lbs
11% bf
Gained 3 lbs of muscle so far

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Good job bro. I just finished a similar cycle from same source with great results...Weeks 9-12 are going to be best!
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Yep I am looking forward too the next few weeks.
I am hoping to actually do some lower body through the end. I have not been able to do any this whole cycle. I think I am healed enough to start.
I believe my gains would be larger if I could have worked those big muscle groups.

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