
Special prices for vials by ZPHC


We offer bulk prices on injectable products by ZPHC(Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical)
The list of products for special price:

Stanozolol Suspension ZPHC 50 mg/ml 10ml vial - $20
Testosterone Propionate ZPHC 100 mg/ml 10 amps - $20
Testosterone Enanthate ZPHC 250 mg/ml 10ml vial - $30
Testosterone Cypionate ZPHC 250 mg/ml 10ml vial - $30
Testosterone Mix ZPHC 250 mg/ml 10ml vial - $30
Boldenone Undecylenate ZPHC 250 mg/ml 10ml vial - $35
Nandrolone Decanoate ZPHC 250 mg/ml 10ml vial - $40
Trenbolone Acetate ZPHC 100 mg/ml 10ml vial - $45

Shipping is international from Europe. Minimum order is $1000.
For order details please contact us by our email: [email protected]


Kind regards,
Those look really good. I know the drol I tried from ZPHC was really good

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Good luck getting that $1000 min order number. Not many hit that mark. Ive used you guys many times and always gotten good stuff.

Good lord I didn't see that $1000 minimum order!! Yeah I agree that is just way way too steep!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
IMO coming internationally there shouldn't be a minimum considering that there's always a risk of it getting snagged

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This minimum is predicated on a special low price per vial bro.

You can buy the same stuff from him at a higher price without the $1000 minimum.

It's essentially a bulk price offering, with a high minimum attached.

Use your noggin.
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