
SarmsForSale Log!

Excellent log. Really appreciate you taking the time to keep everyone informed. Your results are great. I am glad it was a successful run. Keep it going and and enjoy all the hard work you put in. Very proud!!
thanks for the effort in the log, a lot of guys viewed it and learned a lot has good sarms!
thanks for the effort in the log, a lot of guys viewed it and learned a lot has good sarms!

Thanks Steve and Slyder and yea I was pretty surprised to see the view count so im glad a lot of people are reading it having taken the time to write it all up!
Figured id toss an update out there!

Feeling pretty damn good being in PCT! Clomid 25mg/day, Nolva 20mg/day, N2Generate ES, cardarine and mk677.

Loving the healing from the mk677 and sleep too!
Figured id post an update!

So PCT is done. Stopped cardarine and sr9009 now for almost a month will hope back on shortly.

Still taking the mk677 sleep on point and feeling great. Best part is I havent lost any size! Strength took a little hit coupled with a slight strain of my rotator cuff but still pushing through!

Back is still wide as hell LOL!

AWM is the sarms whore. he loves his sarms, i would def keep a close eye on his posts on them.
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