
Real Dbol and legal "Dbal" together?


New member
these are questions I cannot find legit answers to. First what do you think of legal Dbol alternatives? I have both the real legit stuff and the legal alternatives on the way. Should I take both forms of Dbol together? I am also going to take test. Enanthate. This is going to be my first time using anything. I need your advice man.
Alternative is crazybulk dbal and "real stuff" is from asia pharma.
How should I stack it? Dbol and test. seems to be the thing to do online. I'm a beginner any advice is appreciated.
Alternative is crazybulk dbal and "real stuff" is from asia pharma.
How should I stack it? Dbol and test. seems to be the thing to do online. I'm a beginner any advice is appreciated.

Asia pharma is a big mess, many say it's a scam and I tend to agree. The products are poor quality. I would stick with other brands if I were you. Are you sure you want to go with steroids at this stage? You're way better of going with SARMS and building up your base.

I don't know about sarms. I'm a skinny dude looking for a get rich quick. People say dbol works fast and works well when taken with test that's really all I know.
I don't know about sarms. I'm a skinny dude looking for a get rich quick. People say dbol works fast and works well when taken with test that's really all I know.

But did you actually read the dbol profile? The gains from dbol are mostly WATER weight and bloating, you lose 80%+ of gains after dbol. It's a "get rich quick," but you lose the "wealth" fast after. Hence, I'm saying you should look at alternatives for long term growth. In your case, if you're skinny, andarine, ostarine, anbolicum is the best combo. A 12 week cycle.

Week 1-7
Andarine S4 25mgs/ed (
osta mk2866 25mgs/ed (
anabolicum lgd 5mgs/ed (
n2guard 5caps/ed (

Week 8-12
Andarine S4 50mgs/ed (
osta mk2866 25mgs/ed (
anabolicum lgd 10mgs/ed (
hcgenerate 5 caps/ed (
n2guard 5caps/ed (

For pct, use the mini pct/sarms pct:
The fat loss part is what's throwing me off. How quickly do you see results with the correct training? I'm someone that eats everything in sight and worksout upper body 3x a week and does not gain.
The fat loss part is what's throwing me off. How quickly do you see results with the correct training? I'm someone that eats everything in sight and worksout upper body 3x a week and does not gain.

You might be eating everything in sight, but that doesn't mean your body responds well to high estrogen levels - like you would get from dianabol.
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