
Pharmalady Specials Request

This request for the month of May hopefully will see nice discount or deal for the following:
TDT Rapid 300 or TDT Extend 300
Trenbolone Hex
Test prop
EQ 400
Masteron A or Masteron E
Just waiting on Global Anabolics, they're now saying sometime in May. Hopefully it will happen soon, there's a lot of people looking to try it.
If there's a particular product or products you'd liked to see on the specials list for July, don't wait till the last minute to put in your request.
Pharmalady has been receiving requests through the Pharmaladyquestions email account, please post your requests here.

Thank you,
The Pharmalady team.
Thaiger pharma! Currently running thaiger winstrol and loving the results so far. One of my favorite brands for sure.
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