I have ordered from Vlad and Darius probably 8 different times. I have tried their Sust, Deca, Cyp and Tren. Every time I have been more and more impressed. Besides the gear being impressive, the way they handle customer service is even better. One time I didn't buy enough bitcoins but I was pretty close and he told me not to worry about it. Another time he couldn't find my payment but was more than responsive. We eventually figured it out and it was my fault. It takes about a week to get to the states and cannot be tracked, but trust me it will come. If it is your first time buying the payment can be sketchy because once it is sent there is no getting it back. But I have never been let down with the gear or even when there was a problem. He was out of stock on one of my orders and was more than generous with replacement gear. They have everything I would ever need so I will never go anywhere else. Love these guys and their gear and have recommended them to most all of my friends I train with.