
Need Help On My Cycle


New member
Hello guys, I need your HELP on my next cycle, cuz my previous cycle ended up loosing all the gains I've gained when once I've started my PCT. I need help on my next cycle..

Here are my current Stats:
Name : Andrew
Age : 21
Years Of lifting : 3 years
Number of Cycles : 2nd (going for 3rd)
Body Type : Ectomorph
Body Weight : 68.5kg (151lbs)
BodyFat : 15.7%
Muscle Mass : 54.7kg (120lbs)

Andarol & Test E Cycle:
Week 1 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml)
Week 2 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 3 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 4 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 5 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 6 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 7 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 40mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 8 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 9 : (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 10: (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)

I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Re: RE: Need Help On My Cycle

andrewwee94 said:
Hello guys, I need your HELP on my next cycle, cuz my previous cycle ended up loosing all the gains I've gained when once I've started my PCT. I need help on my next cycle..

Here are my current Stats:
Name : Andrew
Age : 21
Years Of lifting : 3 years
Number of Cycles : 2nd (going for 3rd)
Body Type : Ectomorph
Body Weight : 68.5kg (151lbs)
BodyFat : 15.7%
Muscle Mass : 54.7kg (120lbs)

Andarol & Test E Cycle:
Week 1 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml)
Week 2 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 3 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 4 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 5 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 6 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 7 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 40mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 8 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 9 : (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 10: (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)

I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Brother, this cycle is a mess. First of all, you're on your 3rd cycle at 21? You need to slow wayyy down. You need to listen to your body, it's talking to you. The reason you've lost your gains is because I'm guessing your other two cycles were as atrocious as this one. I'm not bashing you I just want you to understand that this is not a game and unless you're planning on being a pro you need to stop. After 2 cycles and you're only 151 pounds? Your diet and training needs some serious work. You need to forget about aas right now and focus on your diet and training. Sarms would be a great option for you right now while you work on your diet and training. You can post your diet and your training here and we can help assist you to better with your goals. I don't think your going to get any cycle advice here because honestly, it's not what you need right now.

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andrewwee94 said:
Hello guys, I need your HELP on my next cycle, cuz my previous cycle ended up loosing all the gains I've gained when once I've started my PCT. I need help on my next cycle..

Here are my current Stats:
Name : Andrew
Age : 21
Years Of lifting : 3 years
Number of Cycles : 2nd (going for 3rd)
Body Type : Ectomorph
Body Weight : 68.5kg (151lbs)
BodyFat : 15.7%
Muscle Mass : 54.7kg (120lbs)

Andarol & Test E Cycle:
Week 1 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml)
Week 2 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 3 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 4 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 5 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 6 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 7 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 40mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 8 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 9 : (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 10: (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)

I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

I wouldn't be doing cycles at your age personally, especially not 250mg of TEST along with Anadrol. Anadrol is potent as piss dude - you're gonna need more then just Liver protection when you mess with that - water retention, bloating, Gyno, etc. Anadrol does not aromatise BUT is still carries Estrogenic side effects along with DHT sides (acne, balding, etc.) AND this is probably why you lose all your gains, taking something like Anadrol at such a young age is bad. Also running TEST for 6 weeks doesn't make much sense because it should be ran longer. Why wait until week two to introduce Nolvadex and Liv 52?? You should be running Aromasin with something like Anadrol, not Nolva - all these things tell me you aren't ready - even I know this stuff and I haven't even cycled before.

This is not what you want to hear but it is the truth - at age 21 your TEST levels should be high and you should train hard and practice your Diet/Nutrition to prepare for possible cycles in the future. I am 28 and as I stated above, I haven't done my first cycle yet. For example, I have been training for over 10 years and I am 225 lbs at 10-12% BF. I am probably a mix of ectomorph and mesomorph, and I stay around 10% BF year round and I have been that way since I was a teenager. With that being said, I don't think you are even close to ready, and I would not continue using AAS until you have progressed a lot more naturally and have a solid muscle/nutrition foundation. The post says you are an Ectomorph, but almost 16% bodyfat? That's a lot of fat for an ectomorph dude - either your diet is pure trash or you are not a true ectomorph. Before I started lifting I was 160lbs at 6'5" but like I said, I have always been around 10% BF. Stop the AAS, get Diet and Training knowledge on point - make gains - come back to AAS later when you are older and more knowledgeable.
Bro-that cycle is a mess and pretty much a total waste. Right now your own test levels are zooming and all you are going to accomplish is shutting your own wonderful test down. Plus you are shutting it down with a non productive cycle. You are at least 5 years away from a cycle and 10 years away from using adrol.
Maybe your workout needs tweaking and so does your macro intake. The sun is shining on you right now.You are in your youth. Make hay bro!
Sarms + creatine is what you need.
Hey brother,

We aren't here to flame you in any way, but to help you make the right decisions to progress the way you should. The cycle you have laid out is not good for you in any way, and you really should t be touching AAS at all given your current age and stats. You need to build a better foundation first, and get your diet under control or you will lose all of your gains every time. There are better options for you right now. I would look into doing a sarms super stack, which is great for building lean mass and cutting bodyfat. The gains from sarms are a lot more sustainable and keepable as well, provided you eat and train correctly. They also won't shut you down to the extent of AAS, and recovery is much easier ma,I got the gains easier to keep. This is really the best and only option for you right now besides staying natural. Here is a perfect layout, but keep in mind that you need to get that diet right!! Let us know if you need help in that department. You can always post up your diet for critique

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

PCT Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
MK-2866 25mg per day
Wow buddy, did. A crack head design that cycle for u? Lol. But seriously its wayyyyy off. And at 150lbs after 3 cycles? Either u got complete bunk or your diet is complete bunk. Change sources and reevaluate your diet.I personally think your too young for gear and your gona hurt yourself in the long run but if your addament on doing it anyway at least get cycle and diet advice from this forum before you do it again. Start by using a source here. And run a cycle simular to this:
test E 400mg's per week for 12 weeks
tbol 60mgs per day for 6 weeks
aromasin 12. 5 mg's EOD
pct clomid 50/50/25/25
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Thank you for all the advise guys, I really appreciate it.. It is really hard to get advise from people with experience in my country (Malaysia), to teach and giving advise to young builders like myself, so i've mostly tried searching online on cycles, workout program, and ect.. I know that i'm totally lost in this sport, that is why i'm constantly searching for others that will share their experiences, knowledge & advice.

Here's my current diet plan:
Weight : 151 lbs
Height: 164cm (5'3)
Daily Calories Intake : 2900
40% Carbs : 290g
30% Protein : 217g
30% Fat : 96g

I workout 5 days a week ( currently on Hypertrophy training ), and HIIT cardio once a week.
Mon-Chest & Abs
Wed-Shoulders & Abs
Sat-HIIT Cardio

I sincerely would like to thank everyone for the advice given.
andrewwee94 said:
Thank you for all the advise guys, I really appreciate it.. It is really hard to get advise from people with experience in my country (Malaysia), to teach and giving advise to young builders like myself, so i've mostly tried searching online on cycles, workout program, and ect.. I know that i'm totally lost in this sport, that is why i'm constantly searching for others that will share their experiences, knowledge & advice.

Here's my current diet plan:
Weight : 151 lbs
Height: 164cm (5'3)
Daily Calories Intake : 2900
40% Carbs : 290g
30% Protein : 217g
30% Fat : 96g

I workout 5 days a week ( currently on Hypertrophy training ), and HIIT cardio once a week.
Mon-Chest & Abs
Wed-Shoulders & Abs
Sat-HIIT Cardio

I sincerely would like to thank everyone for the advice given.

For starters, I would raise that protein up and lower that fat content. Go more with a ratio of 40/40/20 or even lower fat, higher protein than that
250 mg of test a week is a total waste. I wouldn't run any less than 500 And that is even if it is your first cycle. And a 6 week cycle is a waste to.
andrewwee94 said:
Hello guys, I need your HELP on my next cycle, cuz my previous cycle ended up loosing all the gains I've gained when once I've started my PCT. I need help on my next cycle..

Here are my current Stats:
Name : Andrew
Age : 21
Years Of lifting : 3 years
Number of Cycles : 2nd (going for 3rd)
Body Type : Ectomorph
Body Weight : 68.5kg (151lbs)
BodyFat : 15.7%
Muscle Mass : 54.7kg (120lbs)

Andarol & Test E Cycle:
Week 1 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml)
Week 2 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 3 : (Anadrol 50mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 4 : (Anadrol 25mg/day) (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Liv.52 3tabs/day)
Week 5 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 6 : (Test E 250mg-1ml) (Hcg-5000iu per week)
Week 7 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 40mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 8 : (Clomid 50mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 9 : (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)
Week 10: (Clomid 25mg/day) (Nolvadex 20mg/day) (Aromasin 12.5mg EOD)

I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Hey brother... You seem like you have a good heart and are a good person in general but VERY misguided and Im truly sorry you have been subject to such misdirection... I hope you never felt flamed or bad for people advising you but honestly, what you posted for a layout is not just very bad, its very concerning... Its dangerous, misguided and makes absolutely no sense... Whoever is giving you this information is going to eventually kill you bro... No bull shit... Your cycling way too young to start coupled with the horrendous layouts and methods that make no sense and will have your body going haywire... Do yourself a HUGE favor and STOP using steroids... You are not ready physically and definitely not educationally... Stay here and read and learn... Improve your diet and training... Learn about alternatives that you can take at your age aside from steroids... Everything can be shipped to you there, that's not an issue so don't worry about accessibility... Please stop doing this to yourself though bro...
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