
My crazy Dr.


Senior Member
So today was my monthly check up with my doctor I just love it how long takes for me to see him because I got so many questions of course and then he's trying to push me out the fastest he can lol so he asked me what I was eating and I told him my game plan which i think is real good and what threw me off is he wants me to eat a lot of fruits and eat less!! I'm still the same weight having gained haven't lost but I do notice that when I workout my arms my upper body swells up and I'm wondering if it's water weight? Anyway long story short I'm just amazed by my doctor how he wants to put me on so many painkillers pills and his favorite cortisone shots in the knees and get me out asap! 1hr wait for a 15 minute visit how you like that!! got to love them Dr lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Angel said:
So today was my monthly check up with my doctor I just love it how long takes for me to see him because I got so many questions of course and then he's trying to push me out the fastest he can lol so he asked me what I was eating and I told him my game plan which i think is real good and what threw me off is he wants me to eat a lot of fruits and eat less!! I'm still the same weight having gained haven't lost but I do notice that when I workout my arms my upper body swells up and I'm wondering if it's water weight? Anyway long story short I'm just amazed by my doctor how he wants to put me on so many painkillers pills and his favorite cortisone shots in the knees and get me out asap! 1hr wait for a 15 minute visit how you like that!! got to love them Dr lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!

dude i dont trust Doctors one bit, some of them are ok but most are TRASH and don't know PISS - they just shove prescripts out like candy and move to next patient.they make big bucks so they dont give two PISS about small fries like us, so keep that in mind - its different here man, we care about you and we will try to help you the best way possible..
Some doctors can be borderline batshit sometimes. Many of them seem to be stuck in a mindset they developed years ago..

I have had a few health issues and recently lost around 100lbs after being obese for over a decade. I can tell you that just about every single health marker in my bloodwork has improved dramatically. I'm sure yours will improve as well brother.

Progress can appear slow (even non existent) at times. The important thing is that we keep at it :D
don't get to hung up over it bro. There are some good ones, some bad ones and some that cheated thru med school. They hate to see me because they know I will ask all kinds of questions that they can't answer. I play with them big time. Anyway I am lucky now that my sis in law is my primary care. Doctors know very little about nutrition, very little about steroids, and know very much about prescribing drugs. They still keep writing scripts for antibilotis when it has been proven that 90% of infections are viral and anitbiotics are creating super bacteria i.e MERSA etc. My doc calls me with more questions than I ever ask her. But its cool. I walk in she says you been juicing. I say no. She says BS. I say look you gonna check my Prostrates? (notice I spell it wrong and pluralize it). She says you want any drugs, I say yeah...some ludes. Your bloodwork is perfect goodbye bro in law!! that is how a doc visit should go.

You have lost some weight so you already know how to do it. You just aren't hanging tuff nuff. When you gonna get serious and tear some ass?

You hang here with us and we will lead you in the right direction
Re: RE: Re: My crazy Dr.

drb_iac said:
don't get to hung up over it bro. There are some good ones, some bad ones and some that cheated thru med school. They hate to see me because they know I will ask all kinds of questions that they can't answer. I play with them big time. Anyway I am lucky now that my sis in law is my primary care. Doctors know very little about nutrition, very little about steroids, and know very much about prescribing drugs. They still keep writing scripts for antibilotis when it has been proven that 90% of infections are viral and anitbiotics are creating super bacteria i.e MERSA etc. My doc calls me with more questions than I ever ask her. But its cool. I walk in she says you been juicing. I say no. She says BS. I say look you gonna check my Prostrates? (notice I spell it wrong and pluralize it). She says you want any drugs, I say yeah...some ludes. Your bloodwork is perfect goodbye bro in law!! that is how a doc visit should go.

You have lost some weight so you already know how to do it. You just aren't hanging tuff nuff. When you gonna get serious and tear some ass?

You hang here with us and we will lead you in the right direction
Drb I'm here for the long run, this is my new life stile you're not getting rid of me that easy lol I'm just beginning to get my feet wet, with all your guys help I know I will accomplish this journey!! I hope one day I can help others in the same situation that I am in or inspire them for the best..

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Re: RE: Re: My crazy Dr.

SpikedEggnog said:
Angel said:
So today was my monthly check up with my doctor I just love it how long takes for me to see him because I got so many questions of course and then he's trying to push me out the fastest he can lol so he asked me what I was eating and I told him my game plan which i think is real good and what threw me off is he wants me to eat a lot of fruits and eat less!! I'm still the same weight having gained haven't lost but I do notice that when I workout my arms my upper body swells up and I'm wondering if it's water weight? Anyway long story short I'm just amazed by my doctor how he wants to put me on so many painkillers pills and his favorite cortisone shots in the knees and get me out asap! 1hr wait for a 15 minute visit how you like that!! got to love them Dr lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!

dude i dont trust Doctors one bit, some of them are ok but most are TRASH and don't know PISS - they just shove prescripts out like candy and move to next patient.they make big bucks so they dont give two PISS about small fries like us, so keep that in mind - its different here man, we care about you and we will try to help you the best way possible..
Thanks bro, that really means a lot to me, I'm open to all the help I can get!!

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Re: RE: Re: My crazy Dr.

middle aged fat guy said:
Some doctors can be borderline batshit sometimes. Many of them seem to be stuck in a mindset they developed years ago..

I have had a few health issues and recently lost around 100lbs after being obese for over a decade. I can tell you that just about every single health marker in my bloodwork has improved dramatically. I'm sure yours will improve as well brother.

Progress can appear slow (even non existent) at times. The important thing is that we keep at it :D
True it feels like an eternity lol but yes we must push forward!

changing my life around one day at a time!!
Angel said:
So today was my monthly check up with my doctor I just love it how long takes for me to see him because I got so many questions of course and then he's trying to push me out the fastest he can lol so he asked me what I was eating and I told him my game plan which i think is real good and what threw me off is he wants me to eat a lot of fruits and eat less!! I'm still the same weight having gained haven't lost but I do notice that when I workout my arms my upper body swells up and I'm wondering if it's water weight? Anyway long story short I'm just amazed by my doctor how he wants to put me on so many painkillers pills and his favorite cortisone shots in the knees and get me out asap! 1hr wait for a 15 minute visit how you like that!! got to love them Dr lol

changing my life around one day at a time!!

You pretty much have to take everything those doctors say with a grain of salt. Most of them don't know a whole lot, especially the general practitioners. They certainly don't know crap when it comes to proper nutrition,mane set people up on diets that sometimes leave me just scratching my head. The main thing is to just get what you have to from them, and don't worry about the other stuff.mleave the nutrition and other things to those that know, and can truly help you with the right diet plan for your goals
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