
Memorial Day


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Memorial Day is upon us and I hope that we take a moment to reflect upon all the liberties we enjoy today at the cost of personal sacrifice by those who gave their all to ensure we wouldn't have to. As a combat veteran myself I find today especially hard because I've seen the unglorified side of this that many are lucky to have been able to not have seen. There is no glory in death, only death and the lingering pain that accompanies it thru family members and friends. The only thing one can ask IMO is if the life they led was a good one because afterall we aren't in charge of the time clock, but we are in control of ourselves and what we did/do. I can remember my first time in combat clearly. The fear, the anxiety, the rush all at the same time. I can also remember the blood, the screams and the panic surrounding me. What's sad is when you lose the panic and can be in the middle of a firefight laughing the whole time bullets are cracking the air around you. You get to a point where you just don't give a fuck anymore. I've seen a lot of people leave this Earth behind and when it's a friend it hurts. Death affects everyone within it's vicinity and it brings out the worst in men I know. I used to keep toll on the things I had done until one day it became unbearable to continue adding up. I live with my demons and for the longest I didn't want to and tried death by cop as an option. I was simply fortunate enough that the policeman recognized what I was attempting and I just ended up OC sprayed and apprehended with a dislocated arm versus shot dead. The leadership within my unit was gracious enough to sweep it under the rug since my unit had a ton of things like this going on. Our barracks was riddled with bullet holes and we promoted a lot of guys that would've been in the brig elsewhere. I'm proud I served, wouldn't change a thing. Memorial Day is a special day because we are here to honor those who aren't, their families, their children, their memory. There is nothing worth a mans/womans life, but there are things worth dying and killing for. To honor those who have fallen, be one of those things worth dying/killing for please. Whatever your opinions are you have them not because this is America, but because there are Americans willing to fight and die for you to have them. God Bless America, the Marine Corps and our way of life.
Happy Memorial Day to all our members here that serve or have served. Your service is appreciated!

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To all members and others as well as your families that served.... thank you for your service.....much appreciated!!!!
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