
LOW LH levels and low testosterone


New member
Hi Dylan
Long time reader. Love your work..
Need some help here.
I’m 36y with low testosterone levels and low LH levels just got bloods done
LH was 2.0 range is (2 - 9)
Testosterone was 11.2 range (8.6 - 29)
I have not taken anything in 5/6 months
I took steroids at a young age silly I no and I never done a full pct course
I love my training but I’m finally finished with steroids I stopped takin steroids 3 years now and my body shut down and my head went to shite over them too with anxiety and stuff..
All I want in life is my testicles to come back and bring back up my levels to near what they should be for my age..
I took trt 200mg per week for 6 months felt good but my boys were that small I made my mind up to try just get them back..
I ran hcg 500iu for 10days straight then clomid and nova. Testicles came back not full size but bigger but time passed and then returned to small again..
I’m wondering would hcg on it’s own work for me to raise my LH levels to try help boost my T levels... and if so at what dose...
Thanks Dylan hope you can help
hcg is NOT the answer here and that only made things worse for you... you also started trt and then just stopped after six months... without a proper pct following... you can try to run clomid and nolva for 8 weeks along with dga post ct for 12 weeks and then retest your bloodwork but hcg is not going to do anything beneficial for you
Hey Dylan
I did run clomid and nolva for 4 weeks after i used trt on the dose you said on a forum page.. will I give it another try again on clomid&nolva with your dga post Ct .... plus how many dga pills will i take a day ? And how many pill in the tub is it 150 tablets for $89
Next thing do you ship to Ireland
And will they get true shipping with out been stopped...
Hey Dylan
I did run clomid and nolva for 4 weeks after i used trt on the dose you said on a forum page.. will I give it another try again on clomid&nolva with your dga post Ct .... plus how many dga pills will i take a day ? And how many pill in the tub is it 150 tablets for $89
Next thing do you ship to Ireland
And will they get true shipping with out been stopped...
shipping if completely fine to ireland... you take 5 caps a day... 1 bottle lasts 30 days and no, it will not be stopped...
Great stuff I’ll look into that...
can i run them on there own? As I only finished a 4 week cycle of clomid and nolva few months ago after I stopped trt...?
Or run more clomid and nolva again with dga
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