
I'm new to SARMS


New member
(Sorry for bad english in advance)
So I wanted to take sarm to boost my performance in the gym and suppostedly actually gain a noticeable muscle mass as my progress so far has been very slow even with a personal veteran trainer for 2 years.
But sarm are both new and rare in my area and all professional with sarm knowledge are sarm seller themself which I think will give bias advice.
So I would like an unbias recommendation from all the knowledgeable people here.

Currently only 2 sarm brand are available to me, one of them look dodgy as hell while the other one seem reputable in my region which is "Sarmcombo".
They offer a 3 in 1 formular pill in which each pill consisted of:
LGD-4033 25MG
RAD-140 10MG
MK-677. 25MG

The seller told me to take 2 pill each morning before meal for 12 weeks before doing PCT.
I was never actually told about what to do or take during PCT or what are the side effect of taking this 3 in 1 pill, 2 pill a day for 12 month.

So anyone with knowledge of those 3 substances please tell me if all of them are safe to take in that amount or safe to take at all together and what to do during PCT, how long is the PCT and are there any concerning side affect?

Here are some information about my physique:
Age: 26
Weight: 65 KG
Height: 181 CM
Metablic Age: 17
Fat mass: 11%
Muscle mass: 57 KG
BMI: 19.00
DO NOT use these... i am certain they are not real and you have no clue what you are truly using... umbrella labs will ship to you anywhere and it will get through... DO NOT use what you currently have
DO NOT use these... i am certain they are not real and you have no clue what you are truly using... umbrella labs will ship to you anywhere and it will get through... DO NOT use what you currently have
OK I will trust your advice since you're the expert here. I womt take this pill and will order a new one from umbrella lab.
Since I'll be ordering new, what should I actually get?

But on the side note just out of curiosity, may I ask anyway what give you hint that what I have are fake?
If I were to do a price conversion, what I have costed me $80USD for 60 pill.
$80USD might not sound like alot to a USA citizen but where I came from, $80USD is probably worth as much as $240USD+ for a USA citizen living in USA. So I thought it premium price might give it some legitimacy as most fake stuff are usually on the cheaper side.
its not possible to sell them for that prices dude... they would be PAYING YOU to take it... you do whatever you like.. i wish you nothing but the best... you dont get it... that price is essentially you saying they are paying you... not really a good way to stay in business lol good luck bro...
I would listen to everything Dylan is telling you here. He is the go to person for everyone on things like this
Only use our forum approved sponsored sources like and umbrella labs!
Theres a lot of red flags there on those. You want trusted sources. Use umbrella labs or
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