
First timer honest review.


New member
Background info: I'm 26, turning 27 in couple of months. I play sports throughout high school, and was a competitive long distance runner in college for 3 years.
I was very skeptical before trying out sarms because it sounds too good to be true, as I was already taken EPO in college for competitions and some other drugs that all have sides effects. Anyhow, I am now doing olympic weightlifting 5 times a week, follow by crossfit right after, and I do HITT twice a week.
We were on a 6 weeks cardio cycle in our programming, so I was like, heck! let me just try them sarms out.

So I did only a 6 weeks trial of sarms to see whats all the fusses is about, and here is my lists of what and how I was taking them:
GW -510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 40 minutes before workout…
MK -2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 3 hours)

Week 1: I didn't feel anything. Nothing.
Week 2-4: What the actual f*** is happening to endurance, I was sprinting 400m x4, I consistently got 1:15 for every split, AND DID NOT BREAK A SWEAT!
Week 4-6: I had to slap myself every morning looking at the mirror, why you ask? because I can see my body changing EVERY DAMN DAY! It's when I realized SR-9009 just kicked in. On my last day, I did Oly lift for 1 hour, follow by crossfit 1 hour, then HITT for another, totally of 3 hours back to back, and my performance was still very high throughout the whole workouts. I'm so impressed.

I came out of a 6 weeks cardio cycle, with lower body fat, and 4 new mother f**** PRs. My coach was seriously questioning if I was taking something.
Snatch 220 -> 230
Clean & Jerk 300 -> 325 (I've been wanting to hit 315 for like 2 years now, and it finally happened, I was so stoked, I went home that night and ordered 2 pizzas...)
Fran time: 4:20 -> 3:50 , if anyone who does crossfit, you know shaving 30 seconds off from your Fran time is very much crazy to do in 6 weeks, espcially when you're around sub 3-4 mins
Body weights: I weigh 180, 12% body fat. Now this is the tricky part, I dropped 5lbs on the 3rd week, then gained them back at the end of week 6th, but I look much much leaner, I can actually see vein on my thighs...that has never happened before
One more important thing, my lower back pain was GONE, like seriously GONE! I usually get them from the Clean, and stupid crossfit wod when they have you do heavy weights for time...but suddenly one day, I realized I wasnt suffering from back pain anymore, could it be the MK?

Now to those who didn't see any results, I'm sorry to hear, maybe you haven't reached your peak yet, or your diet was off, or you're just too damn young. I, myself, was very skeptical about trying sarms because I'm only 26, I was gonna wait till I hit 30 but heck, I ain't getting any younger, so I live the yolo life.
My diet was basically the same, and I eat clean, probably no fries food and no soda/alcohol. I think diet plays a very big part in this.

Now my question: The trial 6 weeks is over for me, and it's already been 2 weeks. We are starting a strength cycle next week, and I want to add S-4 into a new one , run it for 12 weeks.
What can I expect from a 12 weeks cycle consists of: S-4, GW, SR and MK?
And I heard S-4 has vision effect from lights to night time, I'm a programmer and sit in front of a screen for almost 8 hours a day, will this affect my eyes?

Thank you for your time. You guys rock! :)
Stack lgd with that S4, and you'll be one happy mutherfuker. The real power trio is LGD/S4/rad.
Impressive results bro! You really made some remarkable changes, and your numbers all reflect that! Thank you for the review.

For your next cycle, if you are looking for a strength building phase, I would go with the ultra Recomp stack. That is going to be as good as it gets for strength, and you will also get excellent lean mass gains, as well as fat loss and endurance benefits as well

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
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