
first cycle


New member
i'm 34 years old 90 kg with 11.5 fb
i want to start my first cycle and my trainer recomed me-parabolan,masteron 1 injection 3 times per week and anastrezol 1 pill everyday from the second week
what do say about that cycle?
he also recomend to take igf-1 lr-3 what do say?what is the side effects?
i also want to know if i can make one week stop in the middle of the cycle is it possible?
what is the recomended pct?and when should i start it?
thx a lot!!
cherry said:
i'm 34 years old 90 kg with 11.5 fb
i want to start my first cycle and my trainer recomed me-parabolan,masteron 1 injection 3 times per week and anastrezol 1 pill everyday from the second week
what do say about that cycle?
he also recomend to take igf-1 lr-3 what do say?what is the side effects?
i also want to know if i can make one week stop in the middle of the cycle is it possible?
what is the recomended pct?and when should i start it?
thx a lot!!

Do not listen to your trainer. There no way you should be taking Tren for a first cycle. Test only with some sarms mixed in is plenty. Here is a great first cycle for you

1-12 Test E 500mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from


Clomid 25/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg per day
Your trainer is an idiot. Test should be your base compound. And all you should run besids an AI FOR YOUR FIRST CYCLE
JM750 said:
Your trainer is an idiot. Test should be your base compound. And all you should run besids an AI FOR YOUR FIRST CYCLE

correct.....anyone who tells you tren for a 1st cycle is a fa king tard.

thats ment for guys on 3rd or 4th cycles.....or 5th!!! you have no need for anything that potent. what was laid out for you is perfect, the tes & sarms will do a great job and you wont exp the side effects like other compounds.
Jeziz dude. You need a new trainer. He puts you on the most potent of the trens as a first cycle? Run from him and run fast. First cyle 250 mg test.You can also add some tbol. First cycle think test and a mild oral..all in low end doses. Simple and effective.
cherry said:
i'm 34 years old 90 kg with 11.5 fb
i want to start my first cycle and my trainer recomed me-parabolan,masteron 1 injection 3 times per week and anastrezol 1 pill everyday from the second week
what do say about that cycle?
he also recomend to take igf-1 lr-3 what do say?what is the side effects?
i also want to know if i can make one week stop in the middle of the cycle is it possible?
what is the recomended pct?and when should i start it?
thx a lot!!

There are often two infamous people out there... The infamous "trainer" and "friend at the gym" These have to be the biggest culprits out there... Where in the fuck do these "trainers" come from? They can't train shit... Its so bad what they do... They advise people this kind of thing on first cycles? Obviously there is something in it for them or they are simply this idiotic... probably a combination of both... all i know is that this is an absolutely terrible cycle layout for any first timer and the "trainer" needs to go back to class, big time...
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