
Female sarms stack side effects - common?


New member
Hi all,

I'm female, 42, 5'2, 125#, don't know my bodyfat percentage. I'm on week 11 of a sarms stack of:
Ostarine (12.5 mg per day for 2 weeks, then 25 mg per day)
Cardarine 20 mgs/day before workouts
Rad 140 5 mg/day
SR9009 when I think about it, anywhere from 30-40 mg/day to zero, just depending on if I remember to take it every few hours
All of my sarms were purchased from SarmsX.

This is my first time using sarms, or any type of performance enhancer other than creatine and whey powder, if you count those. I have noticed amazing muscle growth and vascularity - more than I have ever achieved with just diet and training alone. I've gotten great pumps with workouts and have really increased the amount I can lift. However, I have noticed the following side effects:

1) Bloating/water retention. I've always had very skinny fingers and prominent cheekbones, no matter how much fat I gained (not that I've ever gained that much, but diet is not always on point). Now, I can't get my rings off, and I have a prominent "divot" in the skin around the rings. My cheeks have also filled out and my cheekbones are not prominent.
2) Mild clitoral enlargement, but it's definitely there
3) I'm always warm/hot, whereas I am usually very sensitive to the cold.
4) Difficulty sleeping.

I planned to do a 12 week cycle, and then take 4-5 weeks off. I'm tapering off the sarms now. My question is, is there one particular sarm that may be causing these side effects? The Rad 140, maybe? I was scared off of S4 by the vision sides.

Thanks for any responses!
Typically the only sarm that can cause water retention/bloating is mk677 which you are not taking.
How's your salt/sodium intake and potassium intake?
Ostarine in rare cases can cause mild clitoral swelling. Doesn't happen in most, but I myself also experienced this. It will go away.
Difficulty sleeping - not sure I never experienced this.

Change in temp can be caused by hormones in women.

Are you taking any other medications or products as well? Like birth control hormonal drugs etc?

@MissBizz, thanks for replying! No, I'm not taking any birth control, thyroid meds, etc. In general, my sodium intake is low and I do take a potassium supplement daily. I don't generally eat processed foods, and I drink tons of water.

As long as the side effects go away when I cycle off, I can deal with the sides again next cycle, as I loved everything else! I was just curious if anyone else, especially women, had experienced the same things, as well as trying to nail down which sarm might be causing them.
@MissBizz, thanks for your reply! I'm not taking any other meds like birth control or thyroid. My diet is generally low in sodium, and I take a potassium supplement daily. I don't eat a lot of processed foods, and I drink tons of water. As long as the side effects go away, I'm excited to do another cycle, as I loved everything else about the sarms! I mostly wanted to find out if other women had experienced any of these sides, and if I could perhaps pinpoint them to one sarm or another.

In your experience, should I nix the Rad140 next time and just deal with the S4 sides? Would it give the same mass building effect?

Thanks so much!
Hi all,

I'm female, 42, 5'2, 125#, don't know my bodyfat percentage. I'm on week 11 of a sarms stack of:
Ostarine (12.5 mg per day for 2 weeks, then 25 mg per day)
Cardarine 20 mgs/day before workouts
Rad 140 5 mg/day
SR9009 when I think about it, anywhere from 30-40 mg/day to zero, just depending on if I remember to take it every few hours
All of my sarms were purchased from SarmsX.

This is my first time using sarms, or any type of performance enhancer other than creatine and whey powder, if you count those. I have noticed amazing muscle growth and vascularity - more than I have ever achieved with just diet and training alone. I've gotten great pumps with workouts and have really increased the amount I can lift. However, I have noticed the following side effects:

1) Bloating/water retention. I've always had very skinny fingers and prominent cheekbones, no matter how much fat I gained (not that I've ever gained that much, but diet is not always on point). Now, I can't get my rings off, and I have a prominent "divot" in the skin around the rings. My cheeks have also filled out and my cheekbones are not prominent.
2) Mild clitoral enlargement, but it's definitely there
3) I'm always warm/hot, whereas I am usually very sensitive to the cold.
4) Difficulty sleeping.

I planned to do a 12 week cycle, and then take 4-5 weeks off. I'm tapering off the sarms now. My question is, is there one particular sarm that may be causing these side effects? The Rad 140, maybe? I was scared off of S4 by the vision sides.

Thanks for any responses!
there are no sarms listed that cause any water retention whatsoever... you should be sleeping better as well... now, mk2866 has caused clitoris enlargement before but its not common however i have seen this before so thats not a shock or anything... the warm/ hot thing, i have no clue on that one... here is my best guess though... if anything, it could be the RAD... i've thought of this possibly occurring but i have never had any females report a problem like this... i have a feeling your body may just not be agreeing with it so why dont you try to drop it and just run the other three or add s4 instead and i have a feeling that will alleviate it... the vision sides on s4 are way overhyped... they are there, yes but not to the extent some hypochondriacs make it out to be... try to drop the rad from your stack... you can contact me anytime you need help!
Hi txvetko - Sorry I missed this post earlier! Are you finished your cycle?? Curious how things all went. I am in week 7 of my cycle but only stacking Ostarine and Cardarine this round. It's my first one too. I didn't have trouble with bloating that I would connect to the sarms (but I do have this if my sodium is too high with increased water, etc.) I did feel warmer once I went up to 25mg with the Ostarine often for the first 30-60 minutes. But it doesn't bother me. As for difficulty sleeping, take this with a grain of salt - I have had trouble with insomnia and crappy sleep for years in peak performance or not - and I was kinda hoping I'd sleep better and nothing has changed there. I'm not sure if either effect sleep for better or worse from other reports. Are you going to run another stack?
Hi Gamergrl,

All of my sides went away when I finished my sarms cycle. I'm sleeping better, no longer retaining water, back to being cold ;) , etc. However, I really loved the feeling of lifting on the sarms, and how much stronger I felt and how much more I was able to lift. I've been off for two weeks and can't wait to start another cycle! Dylan and MissBizz advised me on another thread that women only need to take 2-3 weeks off between cycles, so I have ordered another round from SarmsX. However, I'm going to try S4 this time instead of Rad140, and see if maybe I don't get the water retention, disrupted sleep, etc. Hope this helps!
The only thing I could see being any possibility of contributing to issues is RAD140, so I agree with Dylan about dropping it and seeing how that does for you.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hi Gamergrl,

All of my sides went away when I finished my sarms cycle. I'm sleeping better, no longer retaining water, back to being cold ;) , etc. However, I really loved the feeling of lifting on the sarms, and how much stronger I felt and how much more I was able to lift. I've been off for two weeks and can't wait to start another cycle! Dylan and MissBizz advised me on another thread that women only need to take 2-3 weeks off between cycles, so I have ordered another round from SarmsX. However, I'm going to try S4 this time instead of Rad140, and see if maybe I don't get the water retention, disrupted sleep, etc. Hope this helps!
ive always been a little hesitant in recommending rad to women, just because not enough have used it... i truly feel that was the cause because ive never seen any of the occurrences you had with any other sarms on women... aside from the small amount of clitoris enlargement, other than that, none of that should have happened... go with s4 next time... definitely
Wonderful to hear that you want to do another cycle. I know - my mind keeps going there but I want to focus and give this one the full attention, which I am. And again, Dylan knows and has seen more than me for what the sides are for women. So I know some of mine may have been thyroid and I'm monitoring it. I do know one isn't related though but it's not a big deal. Worth it for the other benefits. :)

Hi Gamergrl,

All of my sides went away when I finished my sarms cycle. I'm sleeping better, no longer retaining water, back to being cold ;) , etc. However, I really loved the feeling of lifting on the sarms, and how much stronger I felt and how much more I was able to lift. I've been off for two weeks and can't wait to start another cycle! Dylan and MissBizz advised me on another thread that women only need to take 2-3 weeks off between cycles, so I have ordered another round from SarmsX. However, I'm going to try S4 this time instead of Rad140, and see if maybe I don't get the water retention, disrupted sleep, etc. Hope this helps!
This is an old thread but .... I'm on 20 ml a day of GW now for 5 weeks and just started SR ( 25-30 daily dosed every 3-4 hours) last week .... and today I just noticed some clitoral swelling . Is this weird ? Or most important ... permanent ?
I was going to start a cycle of Osta and had read a bit about this for that ...but not for SR . It freaks me out a bit so I'll prob stop which is too bad bc I was getting leaner by the day !
This is an old thread but .... I'm on 20 ml a day of GW now for 5 weeks and just started SR ( 25-30 daily dosed every 3-4 hours) last week .... and today I just noticed some clitoral swelling . Is this weird ? Or most important ... permanent ?
I was going to start a cycle of Osta and had read a bit about this for that ...but not for SR . It freaks me out a bit so I'll prob stop which is too bad bc I was getting leaner by the day !

nothing will be permanent I am a man, my wife was on the triple stack for 2 cycles and yes her clit enlarged and was sensitive imo it is great but we are in our 40s and 50s not sure what your age is but I would say its a plus!! but that is for you to decide why does it freak you out so bad?
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