
Cycle help


New member
I am currently looking for a cycle that will aid in endurance, strength, and added lean mass. I am looking to do a pure anabolic cycle. I have tried SARMS multiple times and they do not do jack shit for me. I was thinking something along the lines of Test, EQ, and then something else. If anyone has any recommendations it would be appreciated. I am also in between surgeries at the moment so I won't be able to actually start for a hot a minute. I am 23 years old, about 184lbs , and not sure of my body fat%. But with my surgeries (this next one coming up will be the third this year) I have lost quite a bit of mass and nearly all of my strength and with the nature of my job I need to be in peak physical condition. So any help would be appreciated.
What's your cycle history? Any aas use ..... and I think anabolics should not be on your mind at all till you are recovered and cleared by a doctor

fuk wut u kno
What's your cycle history? Any aas use ..... and I think anabolics should not be on your mind at all till you are recovered and cleared by a doctor

fuk wut u kno

I have used SARMS, done a couple PH cycles, and did an anavar/TBol cycle last summer. HAd great results with everything but the SARMS. I experienced zero side effects from the ph and anavar/tbol cycles as well..
I am currently looking for a cycle that will aid in endurance, strength, and added lean mass. I am looking to do a pure anabolic cycle. I have tried SARMS multiple times and they do not do jack shit for me. I was thinking something along the lines of Test, EQ, and then something else. If anyone has any recommendations it would be appreciated. I am also in between surgeries at the moment so I won't be able to actually start for a hot a minute. I am 23 years old, about 184lbs , and not sure of my body fat%. But with my surgeries (this next one coming up will be the third this year) I have lost quite a bit of mass and nearly all of my strength and with the nature of my job I need to be in peak physical condition. So any help would be appreciated.
Yeah, some cycle history as well as what you have been doing in the gym and diet lately will be needed to fully develop this, but I am very interested in discussing, as I am also coming back from injury which involved surgery.
You are speaking of starting after your surgery, correct?
What type of surgery are we talking here? What do the docs advise as far as time out of gym? What is your present routine?
Let's develop this, as I said I am doing the same thing personally, so this is my ally right now.
Only cycle anyone would recommend is test only 10 to 12 weeks and only after you fully recover

fuk wut u kno
Yes I will be starting once fully cleared by the Docs. And I have had two surgeries so far on my stomach and Diaphragm. I had a severe Hiatal hernia and nissen fundoplication done. However the first two surgeries didn't go as planned and now I require a third. The docs expect me to be out of the gym for 6-8 weeks. As far as my workout routine goes (mind you I have been out of the game for the past 6 months) would consist of a workout in the AM, that would consist usually of high intensity cardio and circuit workouts, usually with body weight or actually weights, just depended on the day. Then in the evening I would do pure weightlifting workouts.
So no past cycles, correct?
I'll tell you this, when you get back into the gym after that stomach surgery, even once you are cleared, there are still gonna be some real limits on what you feel good doing. And some real pain.
Tbh, I'm not so sure that a cycle is advisable at all at this point, however, I believe you are still thinking down the road a while, so to be clear, no previous cycles?
So no past cycles, correct?
I'll tell you this, when you get back into the gym after that stomach surgery, even once you are cleared, there are still gonna be some real limits on what you feel good doing. And some real pain.
Tbh, I'm not so sure that a cycle is advisable at all at this point, however, I believe you are still thinking down the road a while, so to be clear, no previous cycles?
Yeah I had hernia surgery a while back and I have to be conscious of it at all times and be very careful.

Pharma Lady Rep
So no past cycles, correct?
I'll tell you this, when you get back into the gym after that stomach surgery, even once you are cleared, there are still gonna be some real limits on what you feel good doing. And some real pain.
Tbh, I'm not so sure that a cycle is advisable at all at this point, however, I believe you are still thinking down the road a while, so to be clear, no previous cycles?

Besides ph cycles, and an anavar/Tbol cycle I have done nothing else.
You need to take a look at your diet then, if you couldn't get anything from sarms. You must have a hole there or in your training regiment assuming you got your sarms from sarmsx and not a bunk company.

At your age, you are far too young for steroids so I won't advise you at all on those. Maybe in a couple more years.

What are your full stats?
Coming off a long period of inactivity, as you are, I would recommend taking several months for your body to readjust to the gym before a cycle. Take into consideration the changes in metabolism that you will see once active again, as well as the body's readiness to regain lost muscle, and I just don't see a cycle being needed or advisable.
However, once ready a cycle of test cyp paired with tbol would do well for you, considering the history.
I just think laying out the whole cycle now is jumping the gun.
I know it may not be what you wanted to hear, but it is my honest advice. Surgeries are frustrating and we all want to come back quick, but sometimes we just have to let our bodies recover properly.
You'll get back where you want to be, just keep steady with the commitment and dedication.
And yes, clearly, as rickrock stated, diet is king. Your diet and training and recovery for now would be my primary concern.
You'll make progress, trust me. I know first hand.
You need to take a look at your diet then, if you couldn't get anything from sarms. You must have a hole there or in your training regiment assuming you got your sarms from sarmsx and not a bunk company.

At your age, you are far too young for steroids so I won't advise you at all on those. Maybe in a couple more years.

What are your full stats?

Well considering my job is on the line, I have no problem doing them. I know I will probably get grilled left and right from everyone, but my physical performance is the utmost importance with my job. And as far as my diet goes, I generally eat very clean and have a high protein/carb intake. It can be difficult at times though because I may only have certain foods available at our dinning facility. I purchase my own food as well but a majority of my diet comes from the dinning facility.My surgery has fucked me pretty hard as well. I went from weighing 215lbs, of pretty solid lean mass(couldn't tell you body fat%) to 175lbs after the two surgeries, and now I am looking at 3. I really need something once cleared that will help me get back on track as fast as possible otherwise I am fucked....My stats are as follows...

Body fat%: no fucking clue
Years lifting: 8years
Well considering my job is on the line, I have no problem doing them. I know I will probably get grilled left and right from everyone, but my physical performance is the utmost importance with my job. And as far as my diet goes, I generally eat very clean and have a high protein/carb intake. It can be difficult at times though because I may only have certain foods available at our dinning facility. I purchase my own food as well but a majority of my diet comes from the dinning facility.My surgery has fucked me pretty hard as well. I went from weighing 215lbs, of pretty solid lean mass(couldn't tell you body fat%) to 175lbs after the two surgeries, and now I am looking at 3. I really need something once cleared that will help me get back on track as fast as possible otherwise I am fucked....My stats are as follows...

Body fat%: no fucking clue
Years lifting: 8years

Can't you bring in your own prepped food like everyone else man? I meal prep 3 different days per week to put everything in Tupperware for the work week. In this lifestyle to succeed you are going to have to do stuff like that. Eating whatever is available just isn't going to cut it. I, sorry, but that's just the way it is. It doesn't make sense to use any type of performance enhancement when you can't even get the diet down right.

How do you not have any idea what your bodyfat is? You should at least have a ballpark range of some sort for that.
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