
Concerns about how clen & mk677 may interact, as well w/ pharmaceuticals involved


New member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I definitely have some important questions.

I'm a 26 year old female and I just purchased mk677 as well as clen. I am not entirely sure if I want to start the clen because from what I've read about it, I'm a little worried about the side effects; then again, all the shit that I read was also due to people taking atrocious amounts of this shit. I think the best and safest recommended dose for a woman is 10mg of clen, is that correct? Also does anyone have any idea about how mk677 and clen may work together? Your suggestions on the recommended dose of mk would also be appreciated. I've heard 25mg is a good place to start but not entirely sure.

I am thinking it might be best to stick with JUST the mk677 but NOT SURE.

My situation is this. I love to workout but due to how shit happens, I haven't really worked out in about a year. My life kind of went upside down for a while. I've managed to lose a lot of weight in the past year, so easily that it's a little crazy. Keto definitely works WONDERS. In any case, I definitely plan to start working out as soon as I start taking these sarms however, I guess my question is, for someone that is already slim (but flabby, wahh) and is basically looking for sick toning, just how much exercise and to what intensity is recommended? For me a full body workout is an hour and half, easy. I focus a lot on cardio, pilates, yoga, but also have weights for squats and other basic shit. I feel weird even asking this but, what sorts of results have you guys seen in terms of how much effort you really need to exert when taking either mk677 or clen, or both, as opposed to when NOT taking them. Edu-ma-cate me please.

One of the most pertinent concerns I have is this: I'm on medication and while I don't think they may affect each other too harshly, my main concern pertain to my birth control and my adderal. Birth control I need, I have PCOS, so without it, I cannot function like a normal fucking human being. Lamotrigine I also cannot do without as it's saved me from life-long anxiety and.. even if I were to stop, I would need to titrate down on the dose before stopping. And the adderal, oh yes, the adderal. Well, it definitely helps me get shit done, as it's supposed to help anyone who has ADD/ADHD. Can I live w/o it? Sure. Would my work ever get done? Probably not the way it is now, lol and also.. the appetite suppressing effects are also a little too difficult to dismiss.

What I take:
Lamotrigine 300mg, daily, for mood stability
Xanax, 1mg, for emergencies only, aka horrid anxiety attacks, rarely ever happen anymore
Welbutrin, 300mg, depression & addiction aid, cigarettes are a bitch
Adderal, 5-20mg daily, need this shit to get shit done
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, daily birth control

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! :)


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In any case, I definitely plan to start working out as soon as I start taking these sarms

first off..welcome to the forum

oh so so much wrong with ALL your thinking...don't even know where to begin
But the heart of your problem lies in your above's ass backwards
you workout ,,,diet ...and get yourself a proper stable routine...THEN think about performance enhancers
clen, sarms aren't magic fat loss pills
they do NOTHING for you without a DISCIPLINED and well thought out diet and exercise routine
AFTER getting that house in then can begin to think about compounds to help you work out harder

"what sorts of results have you guys seen in terms of how much effort you really need to exert when taking either mk677 or clen, or both, as opposed to when NOT taking them." just don't get it...sarms are for helping you exert MORE effort, HARDER and LONGER...not something you take so you can exert less energy
I have been dieting for some time now but the working out definitely needs to begin, lol. As for how you feel in terms of when I should start, that's kind of why I am trying to educate myself on it. And again, regarding the question, there was a reason why I said I felt weird asking butttt, I'm sure there may be people that have kept their workout consistent, to see what a difference these products can make in terms of results, when the workout isn't intensified or changed, I don't think that's a totally bizarre question to ask. It's asked out of curiosity. I am not some lazy uneducated fatass that is looking for the easy way out. I want to learn and get some perspective. That's why I'm here, damnit! :) I also think it's important to know how the drugs interact/may interact, considering the cocktail of shit I already take for sake of mental health.
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Hey everyone, I'm new here and I definitely have some important questions.

I'm a 26 year old female and I just purchased mk677 as well as clen. I am not entirely sure if I want to start the clen because from what I've read about it, I'm a little worried about the side effects; then again, all the shit that I read was also due to people taking atrocious amounts of this shit. I think the best and safest recommended dose for a woman is 10mg of clen, is that correct? Also does anyone have any idea about how mk677 and clen may work together? Your suggestions on the recommended dose of mk would also be appreciated. I've heard 25mg is a good place to start but not entirely sure.

I am thinking it might be best to stick with JUST the mk677 but NOT SURE.

My situation is this. I love to workout but due to how shit happens, I haven't really worked out in about a year. My life kind of went upside down for a while. I've managed to lose a lot of weight in the past year, so easily that it's a little crazy. Keto definitely works WONDERS. In any case, I definitely plan to start working out as soon as I start taking these sarms however, I guess my question is, for someone that is already slim (but flabby, wahh) and is basically looking for sick toning, just how much exercise and to what intensity is recommended? For me a full body workout is an hour and half, easy. I focus a lot on cardio, pilates, yoga, but also have weights for squats and other basic shit. I feel weird even asking this but, what sorts of results have you guys seen in terms of how much effort you really need to exert when taking either mk677 or clen, or both, as opposed to when NOT taking them. Edu-ma-cate me please.

One of the most pertinent concerns I have is this: I'm on medication and while I don't think they may affect each other too harshly, my main concern pertain to my birth control and my adderal. Birth control I need, I have PCOS, so without it, I cannot function like a normal fucking human being. Lamotrigine I also cannot do without as it's saved me from life-long anxiety and.. even if I were to stop, I would need to titrate down on the dose before stopping. And the adderal, oh yes, the adderal. Well, it definitely helps me get shit done, as it's supposed to help anyone who has ADD/ADHD. Can I live w/o it? Sure. Would my work ever get done? Probably not the way it is now, lol and also.. the appetite suppressing effects are also a little too difficult to dismiss.

What I take:
Lamotrigine 300mg, daily, for mood stability
Xanax, 1mg, for emergencies only, aka horrid anxiety attacks, rarely ever happen anymore
Welbutrin, 300mg, depression & addiction aid, cigarettes are a bitch
Adderal, 5-20mg daily, need this shit to get shit done
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, daily birth control

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! :)

Welcome to the forum. Throw away the clen. No one here will recommend it. Add adderal to the mix and we'll start praying for you. MK-677 has hgh-like effect, increase lean muscle and fat metabolizing. GW-501516 is the go-to SARM for fat burning. Get your SARMS from But as as was mentioned above, get into a proper diet/training routine; without those two components fitness in nonexistent.
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Hello there! Yes I've definitely heard about the risks of clen, which is why I feel so hesitant about it. I would definitely stop the adderal or just reduce my dose but if you think even 5mg of adderal (max) a day is a bad idea, than I will definitely take that into consideration and withhold from taking it. Thanks for your advice!
Just don't even bother with the Clen. It's shit, and SARMS are much effective in getting he job done.

I would consider running a stack like his...

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 12.5 mg day first two weeks, then bump to 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

This is a great stack for females. I don't think these will have any effect on your current situation with other scripts but I'm no doc. so I'm guessing

Like Buen said though.. It's how you eat and train that will be your saving grace. SARMS will no doubt help you achieve your end goal.. But you have to stay committed.
Yes I totally agree about the need to workout, I'm just relieved that on the diet side I've learned to really limit my carbs which is a great improvement. The clen has been a BIG concern for me and I felt the same with what everyone here has expressed so thank you for confirming what a shitty idea it really is. I will look into the GW you mentioned, definitely interesting and I'd like to learn more. I think I'll start with the MK first since that's already in the mail but I'll start on a low dose, probably 10mg, I read it's a good place to start. I have a friend that has been ordering from geopeptides and he's had great results with their products, he definitely sparked the inspiration for all of this, haha. Time to really read up on this stuff.
You guys are awesome for all this great information. I'm def not some lazy fatass (at least ive been doing my squats with weights lol!) so I'm excited to get my ass moving again and work out my entire body. :) I will read into everything you all have recommended!
Thanks NY ROBO, I will def read up like crazy and especially consider those two recommendations :) And while NY is def awesome and unique, Im dying to move to Cali! lol :p
Ok, you have been given some solid information already and I'm sure you figured out by now to drop the Clen completely. You want to stay far away from that stuff. I'm not sure what your thinking was with the MK-677. It can be a solid product, but for your goals there are much better options. Where did your MK-677 come from? The ONLY source you should be using is Dont ever buy sarms from a peptide company. It's almost guaranteed to be bunk

You need to get your training in order and be consistent with your diet first and foremost. For your goals, you need a stack more consistent with what you are trying to accomplish. Here is what I would recommend all from

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I definitely have some important questions.

I'm a 26 year old female and I just purchased mk677 as well as clen. I am not entirely sure if I want to start the clen because from what I've read about it, I'm a little worried about the side effects; then again, all the shit that I read was also due to people taking atrocious amounts of this shit. I think the best and safest recommended dose for a woman is 10mg of clen, is that correct? Also does anyone have any idea about how mk677 and clen may work together? Your suggestions on the recommended dose of mk would also be appreciated. I've heard 25mg is a good place to start but not entirely sure.

I am thinking it might be best to stick with JUST the mk677 but NOT SURE.

My situation is this. I love to workout but due to how shit happens, I haven't really worked out in about a year. My life kind of went upside down for a while. I've managed to lose a lot of weight in the past year, so easily that it's a little crazy. Keto definitely works WONDERS. In any case, I definitely plan to start working out as soon as I start taking these sarms however, I guess my question is, for someone that is already slim (but flabby, wahh) and is basically looking for sick toning, just how much exercise and to what intensity is recommended? For me a full body workout is an hour and half, easy. I focus a lot on cardio, pilates, yoga, but also have weights for squats and other basic shit. I feel weird even asking this but, what sorts of results have you guys seen in terms of how much effort you really need to exert when taking either mk677 or clen, or both, as opposed to when NOT taking them. Edu-ma-cate me please.

One of the most pertinent concerns I have is this: I'm on medication and while I don't think they may affect each other too harshly, my main concern pertain to my birth control and my adderal. Birth control I need, I have PCOS, so without it, I cannot function like a normal fucking human being. Lamotrigine I also cannot do without as it's saved me from life-long anxiety and.. even if I were to stop, I would need to titrate down on the dose before stopping. And the adderal, oh yes, the adderal. Well, it definitely helps me get shit done, as it's supposed to help anyone who has ADD/ADHD. Can I live w/o it? Sure. Would my work ever get done? Probably not the way it is now, lol and also.. the appetite suppressing effects are also a little too difficult to dismiss.

What I take:
Lamotrigine 300mg, daily, for mood stability
Xanax, 1mg, for emergencies only, aka horrid anxiety attacks, rarely ever happen anymore
Welbutrin, 300mg, depression & addiction aid, cigarettes are a bitch
Adderal, 5-20mg daily, need this shit to get shit done
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, daily birth control

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! :)

welcome to the isarms... its great to have you... so... there are some things here that need addressed but you seem to have a grasp on this as well so im sure you will understand all of this well... thats a lot of shit your taking there for different issues... its quite a mix... its a bit much.. if your able i would definitely rid yourself of adderal... ive seen what does to people first hand and over time, its flat out bad..

you MUST and i mean MUST get rid of the clen... its so dirty and not to mention, the short and long term side effects on op of the fact that you will often gain back most of the weight you lose if not more right away when you discontinue use... there are far more negatives there than would be worth it in any way whatsoever... i would highly advise reconsidering that one...

its clear your trying to cut... that's great... you do need to understand that none of these will do the work for you.. you need to exert max effort and the beauty of adding things like gw and sr9009 is that they allow you to perform at levels you never though possible... i would ighly recommend this for your cutting cycle... you can get the very best quality at

1-12 mk677 12.5 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 12.5 mg first two weeks then bump to 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
Please dear god do not mix clen and adderall. As a former tweaker and chemical cocktail expert, this combo actually scares and makes my heart already get glittery

Take the advice Dylan and Rick and the others are giving you, it's good stuff and there's no point in me repeating it
Great to have you here. Post your progress in diet, training and effect of SARMS. That would be of great help for other ladies here a the forum. Best of luck
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