
Clomid PCT


New member
Hi new to the forums was hoping for a little help...

Starting my first cycle and looking to run clomid for my pct...

The question I have is can clomid cause me to flag up as a false positive on a 7 panel drug test for benzos?

Hi new to the forums was hoping for a little help...

Starting my first cycle and looking to run clomid for my pct...

The question I have is can clomid cause me to flag up as a false positive on a 7 panel drug test for benzos?


First and foremost what is your complete stats and experience buddy? What is your cycle?

Your pct is very incomplete, and nothing in the cycle or pct will be detected in a standard drug test

This is what your pct should be....

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
Help mate thanks for the reply,

97kg (214lbs)
Bf... hazard a guess at around 12%

Trained for 4 years and finally decided to try a cycle and see how I react to it.

Pretty basic first cycle
Test E 500mg per week for 10 weeks
Arimidex on deck if needed
Pct-Clomid 50/50/25/25
Help mate thanks for the reply,

97kg (214lbs)
Bf... hazard a guess at around 12%

Trained for 4 years and finally decided to try a cycle and see how I react to it.

Pretty basic first cycle
Test E 500mg per week for 10 weeks
Arimidex on deck if needed
Pct-Clomid 50/50/25/25

What do you mean arimadex "If needed"? Of course it's needed. You are on high doses of testosterone that aromatizes into estrogen. Unless you want a dead dick and your own set of tits, you need to run arimadex your whole cycle

Your pct is far from complete. You need to run the layout I posted above
Haha fair comment, I've done a lot of reading and generally found people to say a mixture of two... some say run it eod and some say there's no need at first.
But I hear you and definitely do not want either of those things!
Ok il look into the pct stack you posted.
With regards to the arimidex what dosage do you recommend... I hear .5mg eod can be a bit excessive?
Haha fair comment, I've done a lot of reading and generally found people to say a mixture of two... some say run it eod and some say there's no need at first.
But I hear you and definitely do not want either of those things!
Ok il look into the pct stack you posted.
With regards to the arimidex what dosage do you recommend... I hear .5mg eod can be a bit excessive?

Actually .5Mg EOD is exactly what I'd recommend. You don't want estrogen rising and getting out of control. Trust me on that
Ok so rather than just mon/wed/fri and repeat carry on on sun/tue/thur/sat... and so on?
Haha fair comment, I've done a lot of reading and generally found people to say a mixture of two... some say run it eod and some say there's no need at first.
But I hear you and definitely do not want either of those things!
Ok il look into the pct stack you posted.
With regards to the arimidex what dosage do you recommend... I hear .5mg eod can be a bit excessive?

excessive? arimidex is not very strong as it is... its a mere suppressor of estrogen... aromasin is the optimal choice but if your intent on using arimidex then .5 mg every other day should be fine... everyone is different and sometimes that may not be enough or may be too much.. that's something your body will determine but .5 is the general dosing pattern for most and a good place to start with your assessment... you never let estrogen sides build though man... come on... if needed? you never let it get to that point... bro, clomid alone for pct is a small fraction of what it should be... what about estrogen prevention? you need to prevent rebound from occurring... what about cortisol, which is termed "the gains killer." what about strength loss? your addressing a portion of what you need and not even complete with one serm... there is nothing more important with any cycle than your pct... rick gave you the link and the layout for everything and that is the complete pct you need..
Alright brilliant, thanks for your help. And just to reconfirmed with regards to the pct... it won't show up on a 7 panel drug test as a false positive for benzos because I was reading that a lot
Alright brilliant, thanks for your help. And just to reconfirmed with regards to the pct... it won't show up on a 7 panel drug test as a false positive for benzos because I was reading that a lot

No, not at all. I'm not sure where you read that info, but it's completely false
Hello Dylan,

Yeah I always thought preventative maintenance was far better than responsive but I'm new to the aas game so thought it better to check than just to assume. I've watched a few of your videos with regards to cortisol and the effect it has which was also one of my main concerns, I didn't want to go through a. Cycle only to lose it all straight after so will be giving this more thought before I take the initial pin.

Cheers again for the advice chaps it's all appreciated
Ok cheers for your help mate, once I've gathered the infor on what I think will be my final stack I will post again just to see if anything needs ironing out
Hello Dylan,

Yeah I always thought preventative maintenance was far better than responsive but I'm new to the aas game so thought it better to check than just to assume. I've watched a few of your videos with regards to cortisol and the effect it has which was also one of my main concerns, I didn't want to go through a. Cycle only to lose it all straight after so will be giving this more thought before I take the initial pin.

Cheers again for the advice chaps it's all appreciated

absolutely bro, thats what we are here for... im happy to help and im really glad you came here to get the proper guidance because i assure you, when i set things up, its for max gains in the safest way and i ensure your longevity... longevity with your health, your ability to continue to do this, your continuous progress and quality of life... if you treat this as a marathon and not a sprint, do everything the right way, never skimp or take a short cut, you will be an ongoing success bro
That's exactly what I've always said about this game... it's a marathon not a sprint! It's not a get big quick fix you need to respect it and what it can and can't do for you. 👐 I Appreciate the insight brother
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