
Cholesterol Content


Senior Member
I know this may be a tad bit off topic, but I've seen guys post about diet on here before so I figured what the heck.

For the past 5 months or so, I've been consuming 12 whole eggs a day, including the yolks, in an effort to gain mass (only a small part of my diet).

Just to be clear, I did not go into this with zero research. I read many articles disputing the "egg yolk myth" and they all generally had the same conclusion. That egg yolks do not directly result in raising blood cholesterol levels. The yolks also contain a lot of beneficial nutrients. So I decided to keep all yolks.

Recently, after practicing this routine for about 5 months, I ran into an old friend of mine that competes in shows, and shared my diet with him. He said I should be extremely worried about my cholesterol levels. He said I would die if i kept that up!

After talking to him, I've done more research, and now I cannot come to a damn conclusion. I've never had hereditary issues with cholesterol. Always been healthy as can be. I really need someone to ease my troubled mind now that my old friend came at me with that insane point of view.

Who has knowledge on this that would like to share?
I'd just say there are a lot of misconceptions and people react drastically different to food/drugs than others. I think the best way to ease your mind would be to get a blood test. I think you've found out you can find almost anything online that supports one view or another, many times being complete polar opposites.

Yeah, not to mention that some of the people writing certain articles could be ignorant as can be... There's just no telling
Here's what I follow from my doctor



Your doc recommended egg whites... that's interesting
I know this may be a tad bit off topic, but I've seen guys post about diet on here before so I figured what the heck.

For the past 5 months or so, I've been consuming 12 whole eggs a day, including the yolks, in an effort to gain mass (only a small part of my diet).

Just to be clear, I did not go into this with zero research. I read many articles disputing the "egg yolk myth" and they all generally had the same conclusion. That egg yolks do not directly result in raising blood cholesterol levels. The yolks also contain a lot of beneficial nutrients. So I decided to keep all yolks.

Recently, after practicing this routine for about 5 months, I ran into an old friend of mine that competes in shows, and shared my diet with him. He said I should be extremely worried about my cholesterol levels. He said I would die if i kept that up!

After talking to him, I've done more research, and now I cannot come to a damn conclusion. I've never had hereditary issues with cholesterol. Always been healthy as can be. I really need someone to ease my troubled mind now that my old friend came at me with that insane point of view.

Who has knowledge on this that would like to share?
You have to use common sense bro. There is some truth to the fact that there can be benefits to egg yolks and they are not the evil animal they are made,out to be with cholesterol. However, anything is bad in excess. Just because a couple whole eggs a day won't hurt you any, doesn't mean a dozen is ok. That's WAYYYY too much bro, and I'd be willing to bet your cholesterol has been adversely affected, especially if you have any other significant fat content or cholesterol in your diet.

You just need to be sensible. Having 12 whole eggs a day because you read where eggs aren't as bad as it seems, is irrational and overboard.

It's the same mentality where of course 100-200mg of test per week for trt won't hurt you, so running a gram must be fine too. See where I'm going with this?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I know this may be a tad bit off topic, but I've seen guys post about diet on here before so I figured what the heck.

For the past 5 months or so, I've been consuming 12 whole eggs a day, including the yolks, in an effort to gain mass (only a small part of my diet).

Just to be clear, I did not go into this with zero research. I read many articles disputing the "egg yolk myth" and they all generally had the same conclusion. That egg yolks do not directly result in raising blood cholesterol levels. The yolks also contain a lot of beneficial nutrients. So I decided to keep all yolks.

Recently, after practicing this routine for about 5 months, I ran into an old friend of mine that competes in shows, and shared my diet with him. He said I should be extremely worried about my cholesterol levels. He said I would die if i kept that up!

After talking to him, I've done more research, and now I cannot come to a damn conclusion. I've never had hereditary issues with cholesterol. Always been healthy as can be. I really need someone to ease my troubled mind now that my old friend came at me with that insane point of view.

Who has knowledge on this that would like to share?

Medical knowledge bounces back and forth ...meaning they do not know. I can remember when they made Atkins out to be a fool and that you could not loose weight on a no carb diet. They also told us to use margarine instead of butter. Then they put us on 20gm fat/day diets and consume no cholesterol yet our values went up instead of down.Now the latest thinking is that dietary cholesterol is not what causes problems. They said coffee was terrible for you.They said cheese was terrible for you. Then they come full circle and say coffee is good, eggs, not just whites, are good. Eat butter not margarine. Eat more good fats...and on and on the medical community goes. You would think that they should feel embarrassed.

The most ripped I ever got was 1.5 months of 12-15 eggs cooked in butter and 2 lbs of beef per day. My cholesterol values dropped. This is often seen on atkins diets or keto/no/low carb diets. It is thought that sugar is the culprit. Eat your eggs....completely nutritious. The yolk contains lots of goodies. Today I consume 6 per day. HDL is 20 and ldl is 70. Pay no attention to the noise of the medical community because by tomorrow they will completely reverse what they said today.Eat instinctively.
When I was working on my Ph.D in chemistry I was in class at medical school taking biochemistry.I was the only chemistry major...the rest were going to be docs.I let them cheat off of me. I am not overly impressed with most of them.
You have to use common sense bro. There is some truth to the fact that there can be benefits to egg yolks and they are not the evil animal they are made,out to be with cholesterol. However, anything is bad in excess. Just because a couple whole eggs a day won't hurt you any, doesn't mean a dozen is ok. That's WAYYYY too much bro, and I'd be willing to bet your cholesterol has been adversely affected, especially if you have any other significant fat content or cholesterol in your diet.

You just need to be sensible. Having 12 whole eggs a day because you read where eggs aren't as bad as it seems, is irrational and overboard.

It's the same mentality where of course 100-200mg of test per week for trt won't hurt you, so running a gram must be fine too. See where I'm going with this?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Yeah, I've been recently reconsidering my yolk intake. That's why i wanted to ask the board and get one last opinion before tweaking my diet. I haven't done any bloods, but I am started to second guess ever since my BB friend alerted me
Medical knowledge bounces back and forth ...meaning they do not know. I can remember when they made Atkins out to be a fool and that you could not loose weight on a no carb diet. They also told us to use margarine instead of butter. Then they put us on 20gm fat/day diets and consume no cholesterol yet our values went up instead of down.Now the latest thinking is that dietary cholesterol is not what causes problems. They said coffee was terrible for you.They said cheese was terrible for you. Then they come full circle and say coffee is good, eggs, not just whites, are good. Eat butter not margarine. Eat more good fats...and on and on the medical community goes. You would think that they should feel embarrassed.

The most ripped I ever got was 1.5 months of 12-15 eggs cooked in butter and 2 lbs of beef per day. My cholesterol values dropped. This is often seen on atkins diets or keto/no/low carb diets. It is thought that sugar is the culprit. Eat your eggs....completely nutritious. The yolk contains lots of goodies. Today I consume 6 per day. HDL is 20 and ldl is 70. Pay no attention to the noise of the medical community because by tomorrow they will completely reverse what they said today.Eat instinctively.
When I was working on my Ph.D in chemistry I was in class at medical school taking biochemistry.I was the only chemistry major...the rest were going to be docs.I let them cheat off of me. I am not overly impressed with most of them.

Oh wow, that shines a lot of light on my situation... And I know what you mean about scientists changing their minds every quarter of the year lol. Back in the 70's they thought eggs to be dangerously high in cholesterol and now vise versa.

I'm just going to nip it in the bud and do a blood test, instead of continuing to put it off. Anyone have a recommended way for testing blood cholesterol at home?
Oh wow, that shines a lot of light on my situation... And I know what you mean about scientists changing their minds every quarter of the year lol. Back in the 70's they thought eggs to be dangerously high in cholesterol and now vise versa.

I'm just going to nip it in the bud and do a blood test, instead of continuing to put it off. Anyone have a recommended way for testing blood cholesterol at home?

Where I live they do it at grocery stores ,drugstores etc
Looked at a couple. The kiosks I went to only measure BP and vision. I'll have to order a blood test online.
Speaking of's true that science can't make up their mind whether eggs are healthy or bad..they been confused for over 30 years about that...I always use that fact when atheists battle me on science vs religion. I like science and all but science can't be 100 percent sure of an egg how you gona tell me how the universe was created and how old it is lmao...when u cure the common cold come back in talk to me lol
eggs are my biggest staple in my diet... i do not go a single day without them and i feel they are the base of every good diet... that being said, too much of anything can be bad and have an adverse reaction... 12 is ridiculous and i believe thats common sense... you get 70% of your daily value of cholesterol in one egg... you now your up to about 840% EVERY DAY.. NOW, is there some other factors here favoring the egg yolk, ABSOLUTELY... a lot of those numbers are skewed etc. and the yolk actually is extremely important... 5-6 is one thing... that would be just fine and i think thats perfectly healthy but 12 is not something you can sustain or stay on for too long or it most certainly will have a negative impact on your hdl... 5-6 should not in any way... you need to drop this... that's not the smart way to bulk or add size at all... stick to 5-6 and you should be good... look at some different types of meats to add size... filet mignon, veal scallopini, pork tenderloin... all good options...
Speaking of's true that science can't make up their mind whether eggs are healthy or bad..they been confused for over 30 years about that...I always use that fact when atheists battle me on science vs religion. I like science and all but science can't be 100 percent sure of an egg how you gona tell me how the universe was created and how old it is lmao...when u cure the common cold come back in talk to me lol

yeah for sure.But don't confuse medical science with pure science. Medical science is also considered an art and there are only 3 pure sciences. First is math, second is physics and third is chemistry. So if I explain the force of gravity to you and you don't believe me, does it really matter? It exists no matter what we think.

Medical science is way more flawed, and reasearch is back by lobby and others with unterior motives, or to get grants for more research etc. In other words bias. The poor chicken stretches her azz bigger than a golfball to make us

When I was eating so many eggs I began to hate them and was tired of them, and it is not sustainable to eat that way...but it serves a purpose when you need to get as ripped as possible.
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Bro 12-15 eggs fried in butter and beef only for almost 2 months don't get no mo more keto than that!!

Ohh, I didn't know you meant that was ALL that you ate lmao. Nice. That's an extremely easy diet to follow.
eggs are my biggest staple in my diet... i do not go a single day without them and i feel they are the base of every good diet... that being said, too much of anything can be bad and have an adverse reaction... 12 is ridiculous and i believe thats common sense... you get 70% of your daily value of cholesterol in one egg... you now your up to about 840% EVERY DAY.. NOW, is there some other factors here favoring the egg yolk, ABSOLUTELY... a lot of those numbers are skewed etc. and the yolk actually is extremely important... 5-6 is one thing... that would be just fine and i think thats perfectly healthy but 12 is not something you can sustain or stay on for too long or it most certainly will have a negative impact on your hdl... 5-6 should not in any way... you need to drop this... that's not the smart way to bulk or add size at all... stick to 5-6 and you should be good... look at some different types of meats to add size... filet mignon, veal scallopini, pork tenderloin... all good options...

Okay, that gives me the clarity I was searching for... I'll dial it down to 5-6 whole eggs and 6-7 egg whites to keep it kosher... And like I said, the eggs are only a small part of my diet. I still eat of ton of chicken breast and ground turkey, veggies, carbs, etc... Filet mignon and veal sounds real good though, I'll have to incorporate that every once in awhile
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