
Bulking Cycle


New member
Hello Dylan,

I've watched a couple of your videos on youtube and I like how you have a good knowledge on everything. I've done prohormones in the past and exactly a year ago I did MENT cycle. Now I get gyno very easily. I was able to control it with blasting letrozole.

What I'm emailing you about is. Is there a bulkiing cycle that you recommend that is light on gyno or moderate? And if you do, what would you recommend to control gyno on a cycle?
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals?????????? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
What is your full stats experience and goals? We need that before we can advise you on anything
noone can help you without the proper info man

Okay. So I've done an 8 week cycle of dmz2, 3, and 4. All on a separate year. Stacked with ultra male, econtrol, advanced cycle support.

I stepped up from that. I did my research on stuff and a friend in the gym suggested MENT. I did an 8 week on just 50mg ed of MENT with aromasin. Gyno came heavy. So I was told to do 2.5mg of letrozole ed to control it. It helped but eventually I ended the cycle early to focus on the gyno.

So I'm done research again and I'm looking to do an 16 week cycle of deca, test e, primo, and ending with Winstrol on the back end for 3 weeks. I will then PCT with a sarmsx pct stack of nolva, clomid, cardarine, luquidaro, and ostarine.

My goals are 20+lbs of mass. I have a set mass building diet with a calorie intake of 4150 ed. Done it before and if I'm under, then no gain.

Hope this helps
clearly there is a lack of you reading the posts... age/height/weight/body fat???? i really dont have the time to continue to repeat myself man...
clearly you dont really know what you are doing either which is scary enough... running dmz without test and for that long... thats craziness... and shows a clear lack of understanding on this in general
clearly you dont really know what you are doing either which is scary enough... running dmz without test and for that long... thats craziness... and shows a clear lack of understanding on this in general

26, 6'3, 175, and body fat is under 10%. Don't know exact. And on the topic of lackof understanding. Back then there was. Young and dumb and I was 140 back then. I listened to a close friend that told me what to get and how it would help me gain weight. And it did. Was it completely wrong of procedure and not knowing effects. Yeah, but that's why I'm asking and doing research and shit now. So I can understand and do it properly.
your way too light at 6'3 175 bro... i could never advise steroid use being that undersized... you need a good 25-30 more lbs and then you would still be pushing it at 6'3... im almost 6'1 205 and people make huge claims about me being undersized so you see where im coming from...

you have to get some more size or you are going to wreck yourself in terms of joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, etc... far too much strain being that undersized... you will grow too fast and with that small of a frame, its a bad idea man... you should be 25-30 lbs bigger and due to that, the amount of growth you have with steroids will be higher and it will crush you internally..
Now I was 190 after MENT and then I cut during summer. If that make any difference. I can't gain 20-30 lbs without help. I'll be lucky to gain that much in 15 years on a 4K calorie diet alone.
well you do what you want but im certainly not advising anything so ridiculous... 190 at 6'3 is ridiculous as it is and NOONE is going to buy the fact you cant get up to where you are supposed to be at your height bro, im sorry but noone likely is going to want to hear that... you do whatever you want but its very ignorant to use steroids being that far undersized...
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