
Back in the Game after a Long Time


New member
Whats up guys,

Looks like a pretty legit board, really hard to find these days. I've been reading and watching for about a month now and decided that this is probably the right place for me to start this whole process.

Little intro about me:

Im currently 29, training age is around 15 years total, 12 years what I would consider serious.

Ive had a 425 Raw bench, but blew my sternal costal head of my pec right off the humerus and have not surgically repaired it (running a half-assed experiment to asses compensatory abilities of the body with regards to the loading capacity of the other movers of the joint)

Currently my plans are to make a run at Legit Deadlift only Records. (can't bench anything legitimate for my weight class)

Numbers now are as follows:

BW 232
BF% 16
Height 74 inches

Bench 311
Squat 607
Deadlift 685

Overall Build: Short Torso, Long Arms, Long Legs, Pull very well.

Ran the 4x1 and Threw Shot as well as Played football - But fell in love with fight sports (too late in the game) along that journey Became a pretty serious Lifter and realized I preferred the iron over everything (and everyone) else. Without going into too much detail I work with Athletes for a living.

Early on:

I was the dumb kid 12 years ago who jumped into AAS too young - but thankfully it didn't really F me up like it should/could have. That said I learned ALOT about the world of AAS over the years, what I should be doing what not - but pulled away from it after running 1 BS cycle and two legit Cycles.

First was Test Prop @ 100 EOD and Anavar @ 50mg ED 9 Weeks- Finished with Nolva, Clomid

Second was Test E @500 Weekly (250 2x a week) 12 weeks DBol @ 50mg first 4 weeks, Winstrol @50 Last 4 weeks Again finished with Nolva, Clomid

I've been out of the enhanced realm for about 6 years, dabbled with an Anavar only (I know I know) but given he situation it was the easiest way for me to get it done and served me nicely during that time frame, I did run a complete PCT afterwards as well.

I need to really make the decision to hone in on a weight class, but based on my build and my set up for pulling I keep leaning towards making the jump to 242 (hopefully walking around at 255-260) and competing there

Plan is over the next 3 years to make a run at 840+ pull (tearing the pec off set me back for quite a while and just recently in the last 7 months I've made a lot of stride as the compensation I'm getting front he surrounding area seems to be amping up)

Based on my cycle history I can say Im prone to bloating, had some Gyno Flair up (i had progestin gynecomastia from puberty as it was) and my hairline did take a hit when I hoped on as a little idiot early on.

Based on all that, I have been toying with ideas and set up - I have a meet in July this year and based on current trend I'll be opening with 7 and hopefully finishing somewhere in the 730s

What would you guys run if you were me? Testing is not an issue, nor are finances, my major concerns are this: Want to be VERY conservative regarding sides taking whatever measures necessary to avoid crashed sex drive, nips, bloat, and depression - Deadlifting is a mental game, and the fire has to be there, no time for Lifetime and Wine if you know what I mean

I had considered running Test P, Masteron (for the quality and anti-estrogenic effects) and Anavar, but Times have changed and I'm a born again noob so any input would be great.

Hoping to make an impact here and bring some skill sets unique to strength & performance to the table here.

Thanks guys.
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