
28 year old steroid and sarms


New member
Hey there Dylan,

i am a 28 year old male from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I've been training for almost 12 years now and i've come to the point that im struggling to still get results with gaining muscle. My goal is a classic physique and im definitely not the kind of person that wants to become a huge monster. Im striving for aesthetics and balance in my physique and health is also very important to me!

To give you a better idea of what you're dealing with, here are my stats:

Age: 28
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 91 kg
Bodyfat: 9-10%

Training 4-5 days a week and my diet is good (studied sports nutrition)

What im planning on:

Im planning to do my first cycle this year, i've been reading/ researching several years about AAS in books and on Dutch, UK and American forums. (I think) i have a good base knowledge when it comes to AAS but i really want your advice too before i even start my first cycle, since you are my online guide/ wiki when it comes to AAS and Sarms.

The cycle:

Week 1-12 Testosteron Enanthate 350 mg/pw
Week 1-14 Aromasin (Dosage also 12,5 eod?)
Week 11-14 HCG (Dosage?)
*Week 15-18 PCT (Nolvadex and Aromasin)

*Nolva: week 15 (40 mg), week 16 (20 mg), week 17 (20 mg), week 18 (20 mg)
Aromasin: 12,5 mg eod

My questions:

1. Can i pin the test once a week on the same day without getting to much shiftment in bloodvalues?
2. From what point do i run aromasin (right after first pin at the first day of the cycle?) and at what dosage?
3. At what dosage should i run the HCG and when (what time) and how often do i pin it?
4. Im guessing i need to keep running aro through week 11-14 togheter with the HCG but at the same dosage?
5. If estrogenic side effects do occur during cycle (prob. not likely) till what dosage do i up the aro?
6. What sarms can i put in PCT for better recovery and use as a 'gains keeper'?

Last question.. im having trouble finding a AAS brand that is safe and reliable. Im not looking for a HG quality brand but among the UG's out there the opinions of people are very diverse.
I wanted to ask you what brands YOU consider to be reliable and safe brands to use. I've came across Alpha Pharma and Baltic on the UK and Dutch forums, they both have a authentication strip/ system where you can verify the products online but like i said the opinions are very diverse.

What brands would you recommend Dylan?

Hope im not bothering you with too many questions but i cant help to ask them all since im so curious about your take on it.
Im patiently waiting for your reply and i want to thank you so much for being so passionate, and for all the content you are putting out to help and educate others! Thanks a ton Dylan!
Here is how your cycle setup should look. Aromasin goes same dosage from start of cycle to end of pct. pin test twice per week

1-12 Test C 350mg per week
1–12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
11-14 HCG 500iu twice per week

PCT starting week 15

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

here is the link to purchase the entire pct stack followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Hey there Dylan,

i am a 28 year old male from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I've been training for almost 12 years now and i've come to the point that im struggling to still get results with gaining muscle. My goal is a classic physique and im definitely not the kind of person that wants to become a huge monster. Im striving for aesthetics and balance in my physique and health is also very important to me!

To give you a better idea of what you're dealing with, here are my stats:

Age: 28
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 91 kg
Bodyfat: 9-10%

Training 4-5 days a week and my diet is good (studied sports nutrition)

What im planning on:

Im planning to do my first cycle this year, i've been reading/ researching several years about AAS in books and on Dutch, UK and American forums. (I think) i have a good base knowledge when it comes to AAS but i really want your advice too before i even start my first cycle, since you are my online guide/ wiki when it comes to AAS and Sarms.

The cycle:

Week 1-12 Testosteron Enanthate 350 mg/pw
Week 1-14 Aromasin (Dosage also 12,5 eod?)
Week 11-14 HCG (Dosage?)
*Week 15-18 PCT (Nolvadex and Aromasin)

*Nolva: week 15 (40 mg), week 16 (20 mg), week 17 (20 mg), week 18 (20 mg)
Aromasin: 12,5 mg eod

My questions:

1. Can i pin the test once a week on the same day without getting to much shiftment in bloodvalues?
2. From what point do i run aromasin (right after first pin at the first day of the cycle?) and at what dosage?
3. At what dosage should i run the HCG and when (what time) and how often do i pin it?
4. Im guessing i need to keep running aro through week 11-14 togheter with the HCG but at the same dosage?
5. If estrogenic side effects do occur during cycle (prob. not likely) till what dosage do i up the aro?
6. What sarms can i put in PCT for better recovery and use as a 'gains keeper'?

Last question.. im having trouble finding a AAS brand that is safe and reliable. Im not looking for a HG quality brand but among the UG's out there the opinions of people are very diverse.
I wanted to ask you what brands YOU consider to be reliable and safe brands to use. I've came across Alpha Pharma and Baltic on the UK and Dutch forums, they both have a authentication strip/ system where you can verify the products online but like i said the opinions are very diverse.

What brands would you recommend Dylan?

Hope im not bothering you with too many questions but i cant help to ask them all since im so curious about your take on it.
Im patiently waiting for your reply and i want to thank you so much for being so passionate, and for all the content you are putting out to help and educate others! Thanks a ton Dylan!

1. no, you need to pin it twice a week

2. you use aromasin from day 1 at 12.5 mg eod

3. 1000 ius week.. pin 500 ius twice a week... time of day means nothing

4. yes

5. 25 mg eod

6. pct was already given to you
I am hearing this a lot on these kinds of post. Just to make sure I get it. You need clomid and Novaldex for a pct for the gear. Not just one and in addition you need cardarine and ostarine and also that aromasin stuff. Now that is a good pct for the gear right?
I am hearing this a lot on these kinds of post. Just to make sure I get it. You need clomid and Novaldex for a pct for the gear. Not just one and in addition you need cardarine and ostarine and also that aromasin stuff. Now that is a good pct for the gear right?
That is correct. Thats the optimal pct for an AAS cycle
I am hearing this a lot on these kinds of post. Just to make sure I get it. You need clomid and Novaldex for a pct for the gear. Not just one and in addition you need cardarine and ostarine and also that aromasin stuff. Now that is a good pct for the gear right?
you need a mini pct for sarms and a full pct for anabolics.. we have covered this probably 20 times a day
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