
Would love your advice on a PCT as well as a few other questions


How's it going Dylan. I'm a subscriber to you on YouTube but first time poster on isarms. I'm sure you have stated pct samples on YouTube as well as answered this question a million times before but I am wanting to make sure this works in my particular situation.

I started ostarine at 20mg for 4 weeks then increased to 30mg for 6 weeks for a total of 10 weeks. I'm on week 9 right now and have 8 days left on my 30mg per day cycle. (I'd increase to 12 weeks if I had the extra liquids on hand.)

What I have on hand for pct is pharmacy clomid, d aspartic acid, and armistane. I was planning on doing pct 3 weeks only since I feel no negative sides. Something like 50/25/25 on clomid and daily d aspartic acid and arimistane. Do you think this is a decent mini pct? Also should I start d aspartic acid now or during pct? Also after I finish my cycle should I wait a week before I start pct or is something like 3 days before I start pct okay?

Another question is, I am addicted to how great sarms have made me feel that I've already planned on doing an ostarine and lgd stack for 12 weeks. Is 3 weeks mini pct and an additional 4 weeks enough time between cycles? Can I even start new cycle sooner?

Thanks :)!
That's odd dosing of ostarine. Recommended dosage is 25mg per day.

Your pct needs to be 4 weeks. You don't ever go on feel bro. Come on lol. Your pct should be this

Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

You can't start a new sarms cycle 4 weeks after that
if you are running sarms only, you run the 4 week mini pct, then take 4 weeks off and then can start a new sarms cycle
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