
SARMS strength gain and ligaments


New member
I hear that the fact that something like mk-2866 gives you strength gains it could damage your ligaments because they aren't ready for that weight, is this true?
Mk2866 will not give strength gains significant enough to outrun your ligaments. This is something you get from AAS. The healing and health benefits also would help prevent injury I think so injury from this problem on sarms is unlikely.

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I hear that the fact that something like mk-2866 gives you strength gains it could damage your ligaments because they aren't ready for that weight, is this true?
you literally could not be more far off... so that would mean that anything that gave you strength gains damaged your ligaments? no offense but that is some off the wall shit right there that makes no sense... when your undersized, and you use steroids and gain too much size, too quick, THEN you get damaged ligaments... mk2866 TREATS ligament injuries as well as many other nagging injuries... you have it completely backwards
you literally could not be more far off... so that would mean that anything that gave you strength gains damaged your ligaments? no offense but that is some off the wall shit right there that makes no sense... when your undersized, and you use steroids and gain too much size, too quick, THEN you get damaged ligaments... mk2866 TREATS ligament injuries as well as many other nagging injuries... you have it completely backwards

Thankyou, I saw it on the comments of one of your videos
Mk2866 will not give strength gains significant enough to outrun your ligaments. This is something you get from AAS. The healing and health benefits also would help prevent injury I think so injury from this problem on sarms is unlikely.

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you literally could not be more far off... so that would mean that anything that gave you strength gains damaged your ligaments? no offense but that is some off the wall shit right there that makes no sense... when your undersized, and you use steroids and gain too much size, too quick, THEN you get damaged ligaments... mk2866 TREATS ligament injuries as well as many other nagging injuries... you have it completely backwards

Also I know when the pros come off AAS they shrink like Levrone did but obviously the myonuclei stays and that's why the people that shrink are able to regain alot in a shorter time, say if you came off SARMs would the keepability of the muscle be similar to that of a natural lifter if you say went back to your old ways, and should I try to reach my natural limits before going on something like mk 2866? Not that I plan to slack, I lt interests me
sarms gains are far more sustainable than steroids because they are not heavy on side effects... you can still keep gains from steroids... anyone that says you cannot, has no clue how to run pct or how to train and eat when off... ignorant people say ignorant shit bro and thats why you have to be careful who you listen to
If anything Ostarine might help strengthen ligaments because of its healing and recovery abilities.

Also sarms gains are very keepable compared to AAS. Of course just like any gains made, natural or otherwise, you need to keep up on diet and training to maintain them

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Ostarine I swear has cured my reoccurring shoulder injury. After a couple years of running Ostarine on and off I no longer have shoulder issues.

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I had really bad tendonitis, although not sure if it was the mk677, or the osta, since was taking both at the time
I had really bad tendonitis, although not sure if it was the mk677, or the osta, since was taking both at the time
combination of both bro... i get fucking tendinitis in my medial elbow region everytime i increase weights and that shit does get very painful... mk2866 works EVERYTIME... i absolutely love the capabilities but the thing about 677 that can give the argument its the best healing sarm is the fact you can use it so much longer continuously but in the short term, nothing beats 2866...
I had really bad tendonitis, although not sure if it was the mk677, or the osta, since was taking both at the time

I ran both during my last cruise, and it cured my shoulder completely that's been bothering me for the last 3 years. I'm a firm believer in the healing properties of both

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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