
Calculating calories burned


Hey guys

Is there any way of calculating how many calories you burn in the gym based on things like your weight and heart rate etc or is there formulas or something as a general guideline.

Not really bro. There are too many variables like intensity, rep speed, number of reps, weight used, rest between sets, etc..
If your training is staying relatively the same week to week, then it can be lumped in with your TDEE and thus be ignored.
Not really man, there’s Apple watches now and those fitness watches but even then those can be quite off along with cardio machines.
there isn't unfortunately. Like you I'd love to know this and brother if you could invent a device that did this accurately you'd be a billionaire very rapidly!
Not really but you can use a calculator online to figure out your maintenance calories and it asks for your physical activity. Through trial and error you can figure out over time what's working and what isn't.
Ive never understood the fitness numbers craze, it over-complicates a fairly simple concept. All you need to do is find your maintenance in calories by tracking for a week on balanced healthy meals along with a standard week at the gym (activity) just to mentally acknowledge how much you need to eat to stay at about the same weight.. then based on your goals either increase your meals or increase your cardio. There are too many other things in life to stress about other than how many steps youve taken

In the end it's the mirror that will tell you what you need to do
Ive never understood the fitness numbers craze, it over-complicates a fairly simple concept. All you need to do is find your maintenance in calories by tracking for a week on balanced healthy meals along with a standard week at the gym (activity) just to mentally acknowledge how much you need to eat to stay at about the same weight.. then based on your goals either increase your meals or increase your cardio. There are too many other things in life to stress about other than how many steps youve taken

In the end it's the mirror that will tell you what you need to do
Amen brother
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