
Beginner to SARMS with questions Cardarine + LGD-4033


New member

Was powerlifting for a while and just want to drop 20 odd kilos but still lift more

I dont feel like the dosage I have come up with is right, what should I run it, according to the bottle 10mg of each per day...

Hey Dylan sorry for jumping in to thread I can’t get the grips of this yet,
Any way I’m going to get this lgd 4033 mk 677 and rad 140 was thinking if there’s any need on adding test cyp to it or sust as I have loads of it from pervious cycles and want to maximise my gains. And if so could u right me up something with pct and where should I get sarms from ive seen loads of different places, any help be great man.
Il be running a 12 week cycle and want to bulk as much as I can
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Hey Dylan sorry for jumping in to thread I can’t get the grips of this yet,
Any way I’m going to get this lgd 4033 mk 677 and rad 140 was thinking if there’s any need on adding test cyp to it or sust as I have loads of it from pervious cycles and want to maximise my gains. And if so could u right me up something with pct and where should I get sarms from ive seen loads of different places, any help be great man.
Il be running a 12 week cycle and want to bulk as much as I can

Please start your own thread. Its very rude to try to take over someone elses thread bro

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you want to drop over 40 lbs yet still build strength? am i reading that correctly?

For my height it's what I should be at, mid. 80kgs. I know what you're thinking and I totally get it, but I know what I can do. I just need help with the dosage. Im lifting just over 500kg between squats, deadlifts and bench for a 1rm. There's no reason at mid 80kgs to say I can't lift more. It's very possible.
Regardless of my statement what is the dosage I should follow?
And will I need a PCT?
For my height it's what I should be at, mid. 80kgs. I know what you're thinking and I totally get it, but I know what I can do. I just need help with the dosage. Im lifting just over 500kg between squats, deadlifts and bench for a 1rm. There's no reason at mid 80kgs to say I can't lift more. It's very possible.
Regardless of my statement what is the dosage I should follow?
And will I need a PCT?

You certainly can drop the weight. I have zero doubt but your not going to gain strength in the process... thats just not even close to realistic

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