
First day on Ostarine - PCT Question

well, ive only taken 2 of them, so i should be fine. gonna have to find some legit ones, now.

What company is it from? I'm pretty sure the company you got it from bread and butter was Prohormones before they got stuck with millions of dollars of illegal stock, renamed the stock sarms and put it in pill form just like they do prohormones

its made by the guys that run and

if anybody would like to look at the website and give me an opinion or know anything about the above sites, im all ears.

Its BS, this company cant even do its homework on the legality of the product they are selling, why would you trust them with the dosing and product inside the capsule? There selling it as a Dietary supplement. Guess what selling Sarms as a Dietary supplement is illegal its not approved by the FDA for human consumption. If your selling Sarms legally you must be set up as a Research company selling them for Research purposes not as a Supplement company. Why would you mention the FDA and supplementation in the Warning when it cant be used as a supplement legally? Hack company trying to make a quick buck off ya brother.
do y'all sale the ostarine with the mini-pct, as one? i guess i could look myself, haha, right? nevermind.

Dylan got you covered on that bro. There's also some great stacks on the site already put together as a discounted price. Lots of options depending on what your goals are
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