
When you wait forever on a source

You dont need cardio on good tren .tren is king of fittness drugs but endurance athletes should run far away not for you .
Running his tren ace and prop now usually run ace at 100mg ed not this stuff 100 eod is plenty and last order i sent money on thursday and got pack wensday less than a week total turn around for really good gear. And im not a rep or nothing like that just a very happy customer

Thanks for the kind words. I used to rep phurious products before I was a rep. Some quality gear
Yeah its coming from my source out of state same guy rock. and ny I will post pics, he said he threw in some extra freebies as well so I hope they're all in there
Thanks for the kind words. I used to rep phurious products before I was a rep. Some quality gear

Im gonna try phurios cause i want some winny for the end of this tren run but I was talking about Robolics that where my tren and prop came from havent had a chance too use the other sources here been using robo since EVO days now evo is a shithole
Im gonna try phurios cause i want some winny for the end of this tren run but I was talking about Robolics that where my tren and prop came from havent had a chance too use the other sources here been using robo since EVO days now evo is a shithole

Evo is a dead forum these days. I swear the moderators and whoever runs that site has to be a complete moron. They make their scamming look SO obvious. I called them out on the open forum and then got banned lol
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