
Halfway through Rad-140


New member
I’m on my sixth week of rad-140 (10mg per day). So far everything is going well except I’m finding that I’m very tired a lot of the time (except at the gym where I love it). I’m getting bloods done at the end of the week.

Anyway, I’m planning on running this for 12 weeks. Thereafter, I’m planning on running mk-677 and GW for another 12 weeks to form the majority of my pct. once completed, I’ll go back on the rad-140

Does that make sense assuming all bloods come back fine?
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But what’s your pct? It can’t be just mk677 and gw. That’s not a pct especially with rad140 which can suppress.
I think my comment didn’t go through.

I’m worried about using clomid etc as the damage this would have on the liver when used with gw at the same time
what on the planet earth are you talking about man? this is why people that dont know what they are doing should not be using ped's... seriously... what on earth are you talking about... clomid damaging the liver because its ran with gw? that literally is so absurd i dont know even know where to begin...
I think my comment didn’t go through.

I’m worried about using clomid etc as the damage this would have on the liver when used with gw at the same time

I mean I haven’t heard that? True you want to minimize usage of anything including serms but at minimum you should at least be looking at using a natural test booster like m1mk. When I use rad140 or lgd I always low dose a serm but if you feel you don’t need to just take a natural test booster and a longer break at minimum.
Crazy. It’s the internet. U have a sore toe and look it up. U have stage 4 advanced cancer.
what on the planet earth are you talking about man? this is why people that dont know what they are doing should not be using ped's... seriously... what on earth are you talking about... clomid damaging the liver because its ran with gw? that literally is so absurd i dont know even know where to begin...
I know this is an old thread but I have to chime in LOL listen to @DylanGemelli if you don’t know what your doing and your not totally dialed in with training nutrition rest and fully understand pct don’t fuckin touch gear your gonna fuck your body up for no reason
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